The suburbs where you should be renegotiating rent
Landlords are under renewed pressure to cut rents and many are now offering weeks of free rent to attract tenants – but renters’ chances of getting a bargain vary across suburbs.
Landlords are under renewed pressure to cut rents and many are now offering weeks of free rent to attract tenants – but renters’ chances of getting a bargain vary across suburbs.
Close to two thirds of Aussies now think it is a good time to buy a house, but first-time buyers who have just been through the process say they encountered an unexpected hurdle.
First-home buyers armed with cheap loans have been streaming into key pockets of Sydney over the past year – these were the suburbs that were the most popular.
Low interest rates and a housing shortage have put first-home buyers under renewed pressure, but there is a trick to getting good value, housing experts reveal.
2020 closed a chapter on a controversial property – the ranch of late King of Pop Michael Jackson, which sold to a billionaire for a $100m discount. Here’s a peek inside the mysterious estate.
Time is running out for Sydney bargain hunters – regions once offering some of the cheapest homes had the biggest price rises last year, while prices dropped in just two major areas.
Homeowners who listed their properties for sale over recent weeks have been rewarded with unexpectedly high prices, including a couple who got $100,000 above their “dream” price.
Sydney property prices have risen by the highest monthly margin since the pandemic hit after strong buyer demand turned most suburbs into seller’s markets.
Medieval towers, Zebra-themed decor and living room skate bowls were among the more unusual features seen in homes listed for sale over the past year.
Aussies and Sydneysiders, in particular, splashed out more money on houses and units in 2020 than they did in the years before the coronavirus hit – and there’s a clear reason why.
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