The SA suburbs to be wary about buying in
Looking for capital value growth? One real estate expert says not to expect it in these 20 suburbs. Find out where he thinks prices have peaked.
Looking for capital value growth? One real estate expert says not to expect it in these 20 suburbs. Find out where he thinks prices have peaked.
A child who is one of Australia’s youngest investors has got a major real estate score – and she’s still only eight. Here’s how she did it.
More than a quarter of homes bought in NSW last year weren’t funded by a mortgage but by a different source of income that gave the buyers an advantage.
Huge rent rises have been the norm in most areas but landlords in surprising Sydney locations have actually been slashing rents, offering tenants a refuge from the rental crisis.
NSW’s top female property agents have been revealed, with some inking millions in sales over the past year. See the full list
Tenants on an average income are close to being locked out of the rental market, with the share of rentals deemed affordable hitting an alarming, record low.
Aussie homeowners in some city pockets are selling homes for less than they paid, despite values rising in most of the country.
It was the house they never thought they’d leave – but now a family is selling their home of eight years because of a horror life change.
Selling their much loved family home has become a life or death proposition for the Young family, after dad Jase was hit with a complex condition that has perplexed doctors.
Sydney home prices have bounced back from last year’s barrage of interest rate hikes and homeowners now have plenty more equity in their properties to work with.
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