Aussie dad turns $82k into 14 homes worth $10.5m
This dad of two has revealed how he turned $82,000 in savings into a property empire of 14 homes worth $10.5m by using an unusual approach that can be easily replicated.
This dad of two has revealed how he turned $82,000 in savings into a property empire of 14 homes worth $10.5m by using an unusual approach that can be easily replicated.
A mix of forces in the US have driven a surge of overseas buyers wanting Aussie homes – with unexpected consequences.
An adult entertainment venue in a once notorious Aussie suburb has been listed for sale, revealing an unusual list of property inclusions.
Sydney now has pockets where landlords are desperate to lure tenants after a rise in vacancies and drop in tenant demand, with a quarter of rentals empty in one suburb.
A recent market development is set to give home seekers a much-needed boost, with experts revealing two major capitals are now “buyer’s markets”.
Two rooms within a notorious pink brothel once at the centre of a drug, bribery, kidnapping and police scandal are being offered as a place to live – for a surprising cost.
Homehunters need to earn twice what they did just four years ago to afford to buy a house in Hobart. SEARCH YOUR SUBURB
A part-time receptionist earning about $50,000 a year has revealed how she paid off the mortgage on her home in quick time.
Renters who wave goodbye to their landlords and become homeowners will actually save money in many locations, new data shows.
An unexpected shift in the rental market has given Aussie tenants the opportunity to save up to $700 a month if they’re prepared to make a surprise move.
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