Barefoot InvestorIT WAS a corker of a deal. In 2012 the Labor Government, fresh from ballsing up GroceryWatch, FuelWatch and RuddWatch, announced they were putting the screws on the Big Four banks.
Barefoot InvestorIF you have a burning money issue, or want to win a fight, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.
Barefoot InvestorTHIS week Treasurer Joe Hockey has pulled on his boxing gloves and labelled the multinationals “cheats” and “thieves” for not paying their fair share of tax.
Barefoot InvestorIF you have a burning money issue, or want to win a fight, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.
Barefoot InvestorAS one of the forefathers of modern technology, Steve Jobs realised the internet was a revolution that would transform our lives. Yet he also foresaw that his devices were like crack cocaine for our concentration.
Barefoot InvestorIF you have a burning money issue, or want to win a fight, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.
Barefoot InvestorIT’S official: we’re a bunch of financial fatties. This week it was revealed that Australian households have the world’s biggest level of debt.
Barefoot InvestorIF you have a burning money issue, or want to win a fight, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.
Barefoot Investor“DADDY give me a bikkie?” asks my toddler, Louie. “No. Not until you have eaten all your vegies,” I say firmly, staring him down with my best Julie Bishop face.
Barefoot InvestorIF you have a burning money issue, or want to win a fight, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.