
Barefoot Investor

THIS IS EMBARGOED FOR THE HERALD SUN WEEKEND UNTIL JULY 14Barefoot Investor Scott Pape, with his wife Liz, at their farm in rural Victoria. Picture- Nicole Cleary
Barefoot Investor

Don’t let your teens be financial bucket heads

Engaging teenagers has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my career but in a few short years these kids will be fresh meat for financial institutions, so while they’re still in school, they need to learn how the game works against them, writes the Barefoot Investor.

Barefoot Investor Scott Pape. (studio images for etching) Picture: Jason Edwards
Barefoot Investor

Beware of the snake oil salesmen

After inviting readers to open up about being scammed, the Barefoot Investor received a raft of stories involving guilt, shame, and threats of humiliation. So this week’s financial lessons come from the questions, not the answers.

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Barefoot Investor
06/02/2009 BUSINESS: Scott Pape. The Barefoot Investor. HWT staff.

Lending dude to dude can benefit everyone

“YOU’RE earning how much?” I asked, eyebrows raised, head cocked to the side. “Well, I’m earning three times what you’re getting on your piddly UBank USaver, bucko”, said Craig, a fiftysomething executive I met this week.

Barefoot Investor
06/02/2009 BUSINESS: Scott Pape. The Barefoot Investor. HWT staff.

Google taxes? Search me

THIS week Treasurer Joe Hockey has pulled on his boxing gloves and labelled the multinationals “cheats” and “thieves” for not paying their fair share of tax.

Barefoot Investor
06/02/2009 BUSINESS: Scott Pape. The Barefoot Investor. HWT staff.

Switch off and focus

AS one of the forefathers of modern technology, Steve Jobs realised the internet was a revolution that would transform our lives. Yet he also foresaw that his devices were like crack cocaine for our concentration.

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