Big oil is back and it’s bloody brilliant
The entire climate movement was an event for children – that’s why it was led by one for so long, writes Tim Blair.
The entire climate movement was an event for children – that’s why it was led by one for so long, writes Tim Blair.
With a single comment on Monday, Trump set about converting Australian climate warriors into furious defenders of our previously planet-destroying metals and mining industries, writes Tim Blair.
Energy and Climate Minister Chris Bowen says Labor is providing cheaper power thanks to renewable energy. The numbers say otherwise, writes Tim Blair.
The loser/hater community now faces an enemy who has become massively emboldened by that community’s own ruinous tactics. Trump’s foes are the authors of their own destruction, writes Tim Blair.
Scenes of garbage left on beaches by Christmas Day revellers have spawned outrage, but Tim Blair reckons Sydneysiders could learn a thing or two from the partying backpackers.
Thousands of Australian schoolchildren still suffer climate trauma thanks to doomy teachers, academics, politicians and the media, yet none of their apocalyptic predictions ever come true, and worse still, they never apologised, writes Tim Blair.
Serving fries at McDonald’s and poking fun at Kamala Harris’s claims to have worked there is just one of the many ways Donald Trump continues to connect with regular people and defy his delusional critics, writes Tim Blair.
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by a daring public experiment. In Sydney this week, intrepid social engineers attempted to discover what happens when you combine feminism, comedy and an audience of sad wokens.
To those who describe incoming governor-general Sam Mostyn as a lifelong activist hack whose unimpressive record can’t help but cheapen her office, I say: show me the proof.
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by J.K. Rowling’s finest literary achievement.
British Labour had John “Two Jags” Prescott. Australian Labor can beat him by an order of magnitude. They’ve got Chris “Two Jets” Bowen.
Today’s holy noticeboard is brought to you by a multitude of Covid-masked Marxists at a Melbourne Marxism Marxathon.
Peter FitzSimons and his fellow Voice advocates argued throughout 2023 that Aboriginal primacy demanded constitutional change and an additional parliamentary wing.
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by The Almighty’s divine climate justice – for He bore witness to a solar farm that displeased Him, and righteously struck down upon it with great vengeance and furious anger.
Present Joe Biden with any scenario. Within moments, his peculiar dishonesty will demand he become part of it.
Let’s have ourselves an old-fashioned roundup of the newsworthy, newsy and newsable.
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by newly-appointed ABC chairman Kim Williams’s warning to the ABC’s activist staff. Which would be all of them.
To be fair, post-war British immigrants to Australia perhaps didn’t deserve their full whinging reputation. Many of them were probably just homesick.
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by Kevin Rudd, whose big mouth may yet threaten his tenure as Australia’s ambassador to the US.
Australia’s Friends of Palestine are apparently no friends of Labor minister Anne Aly.
Today’s noticeboard is again brought to you by performer and parent Holly Valance, who is single-handedly redeeming the entire Australian theatrical profession.
As did many of us, ABC ratings nanoparticle Jonathan Green began 2024 full of hope.
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by a brief and enchanting documentary from Britain’s Dr John Constable, which beautifully explains why we are all completely doomed.
Time travel is here.
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by a shirt of shame. Shame on the kid who wore it. Shame on his smiling companion (not shown in this image). And shame on a society that is seriously embracing ghoulish Nazism.
Leftists stick together. You’ve got to be a remarkably hopeless media Marxy-pants before the Guardian’s Amanda Meade takes a swing at you.
Today’s noticeboard is brought to you by Joe Biden’s State of the Noggin address, to be delivered early this afternoon Australian time. Or shortly after and before two of Biden’s medically-enforced daily nap times.
Because there aren’t any, you can’t even count the number of proven global warming victims on the fingers of one hand. Which is a terribly insensitive way to introduce a story about victims of local colding.
Imagine being the sort of person who gets upset because something that doesn’t matter isn’t happening. Such as, for example, a decline in Australia’s carbon dioxide output.
A Sydney council Greens lady is done with repairing a statue of Captain Cook and instead wants the historic structure removed.
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