Piers Akerman Blog PostsThe pathetic response of Labor and the major voices in the Australian environmental movement to the Government’s climate change initiatives gives the lie to the notion that environmentalists have the interests of the nation at heart.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsEFFORTS by NSW trade union supremo John Robertson to gloss over the grossly offensive and sometimes outright criminal behaviour of union leaders are as ridiculous as the act of putting lipstick on the fabled pig.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsDEPUTY Premier John Watkins provided dramatic proof of his ever-narrowing tunnel vision last month when he whined about the effects of the September meeting of Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation nations in Sydney.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsRichard Wagner’s triumphant Ride Of The Valkyries had nothing on the glowing mood of leading Labor lights as they scrambled onto Qantas’s conveniently timed F562 on Thursday evening.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsACTU boss Greg Combet has made no bones about his ambition to return the trade union movement to what he considers to be its rightful place – running the country.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsFEDERAL Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has put a knife to the throat of big and small business with the ALP’s new industrial relations policy, but has ducked all responsibility for his position.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsOpposition Leader Kevin Rudd’s promise to the Labor faithful to bring “fresh thinking” to Australian politics reeked of former NSW Opposition leader John Brogden’s 2003 slogan, “A fresh approach”.And (now, please don’t call me Yoda – Yoda’s just a source) his introduction, “My name is Kevin, I’m from Queensland and I’m here to help”.
THERE is something seriously wrong with a justice system that favours known criminals aged under 18 but goes heavy on upright citizens.