
Piers Akerman

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Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Rudd at war with his own shadow

Rudd at war with his own shadow

THAT the world has starkly changed in the six short years since al-Qaeda launched its terrorist attacks on the US mainland was evidenced by the security necessary at last week’s fantastically successful APEC summit.That Osama bin Laden’s murderous assault on the West and his jihad on its freedom-loving culture has also had an effect on Australian domestic politics is just as apparent to those who take the trouble to look behind the spin of the current election cycle.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Obsessed media gets it wrong

Obsessed media gets it wrong

THIS blog was incorrectly published under another journalist’s name due to a production error. It was not written by Stephen Corby, as was earlier claimed. Following is a republished version of the same blog. The Sunday Telegraph apologises for the error.WHEN the ABC favourably quotes conservative columnists, alarm bells should begin to ring. But the flagship evening radio current affairs program PM began its end-of-the-week wrap-up on Friday by noting that The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen and The Herald Sun’s Andrew Bolt had questioned whether Prime Minister John Howard should abdicate.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Yo, Bush! My open letter to the President

Yo, Bush! My open letter to the President

YO, Bush! Welcome to Sydney.Forgive the informality, but you’re a Texan and Australia is a pretty laid back as you’d know from the Aussies you’ve met over the years and though you’re only visiting briefly, a lot of us hope you get to experience something of the flavour of the country we love while you’re here.You’ve had an opportunity to see something of the Harbour, the Bridge and the Opera House and perhaps you’ll get a chance to see Bondi and some other famous beaches before you leave. I certainly hope so. As you know from your escapades with your old mate John Newcombe, we’re a pretty upfront, straight-forward bunch and we respect those who stand up for what they believe in and take their lumps when they have to.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
It’s not the Stasi comrade, it’s APEC

It’s not the Stasi comrade, it’s APEC

THE first item on The Sydney Morning Herald’s website yesterday morning truly deserved greater prominence.“The APEC security fence that stretches through Sydney’s CBD is a ‘wall of shame’ and undemocratic, the Communist Party of Australia says,” it read.Well, Holy Caxton! Stop the presses! Where has the SMH’s news sense gone?Surely the real news lay in the fact that The Sydney Moaning Herald had found an actual living member of the Communist Party of Australia in 2007, a feat akin to finding a yeti in the chilly fasts of the Himalayas, or catching a yowie taking to the waves at Bondi.Furthermore, the SMH’s genuine home-grown Communists found there was something undemocratic in a barrier offering law-abiding Australians, and foreign visitors, a modicum of protection from the threats of violent protest offered by the motley crew of disreputable thugs currently assembling in Sydney and hoping to impress the media with attacks on those sworn to preserve public order.Hey, wake up, CPA. This isn’t a “wall of shame”. The genuine “wall of shame” split Berlin for 28 years from 1961 to 1989.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Drivel really is in the detail

Drivel really is in the detail

PROVING that wealth, celebrity and an Eastern Suburbs address are no guarantee against stupidity, a number of publicity-friendly voters in Malcolm Turnbull’s Wentworth electorate have joined multi-millionaire businessman Geoffrey Cousins to oppose the building of a Tasmanian pulp mill.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Hiding in the shadows

Hiding in the shadows

IN THE space of a week, Federal Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd and Queensland Premier Peter Beattie have snubbed calls for an inquiry into the rape and abuse of children in the care of the Queensland Government, claiming previous investigations established there was nothing more to be investigated.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Is Kevin’s direction right for workers?

Is Kevin’s direction right for workers?

AS Federal Opposition leader Kevin Rudd yesterday told a Canberra press conference that he did not want to be prime minister of a country that no longer made things, his website operator was anxiously hosing down speculation the $7 Kevin 07 T-shirts being sold to supporters were made overseas.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
ALP all talk on press freedom

ALP all talk on press freedom

NOVICE Victorian Premier John Brumby knows a sure way to win the support of the media is to plug for greater transparency and pander to the Right To Know movement, supported by leading executives from News Limited, Fairfax, the ABC, Free TV Australia, SBS, Commercial Radio Australia, AAP and Sky News.

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