
Hannah Clarke: Cop’s body cam audio transcript depicts brave mother’s resolute

On the side of the road, Senior Constable Angus Skaines stood with a horrifically injured Hannah Clarke, her children trapped in the smouldering car nearby. In a transcript obtained by The Courier-Mail, her heroic evidence, recorded by his body-worn camera, can now be revealed. READ THE TRANSCRIPT

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On the side of the road, Senior Constable Angus Skaines stood with a horrifically injured Hannah Clarke, her children trapped in the smouldering car nearby.

He would remain by her side until paramedics placed her in an ambulance, making sure she had the continuity of his support.


In a transcript obtained by The Courier-Mail, Hannah’s heroic evidence, provided to a police officer and recorded by his body-worn camera, can now be revealed.

“My ex-husband, he got, he got in the …” Hannah told Sen Const Skaines.

“What’s your ex-husband’s name?” he asked.

“Rowan Baxter,” she told him.

“There’s a protection order against him.

“We got in the car to go to school, and he jumped in the front seat with me, and had a jerry can.”

The scene where Rowan Baxter killed Hannah Clarke, her three children and himself after he allegedly deliberately set his car alight. Picture: Lyndon Mechielsen/The Australian
The scene where Rowan Baxter killed Hannah Clarke, her three children and himself after he allegedly deliberately set his car alight. Picture: Lyndon Mechielsen/The Australian

She told him she drove a short distance before spotting “a gentleman” on the side of the road.

“This gentleman (washing) the car, and um, and I asked him to call the police, please …” Hannah said.

“ … and then he just, he poured petrol everywhere and just lit the car.

“And my three kids.”

He asked her for her name, for her middle name. He asked her to spell it out.

“I’m sorry,” she told him. “I’m so sorry.”

Sen Const Skaines was gentle. Reassuring.

“No, no, no. You’re doing amazing, actually.”

They were still in the chaos of those first minutes. Sen Const Skaines didn’t know if Baxter had fled the scene. He didn’t know he was further down the street, his own body blackened by fire.

The officer radioed through to police communications.

“Speaking to one of the victims here. She said he’s hopped in the car with the children, told her to drive, poured petrol in the car and then lit it on fire with the three children in the car. Unknown direction. Haven’t got a description of the clothing yet.”

A Facebook photo of Hannah Baxter with her children Laianah, Aaliyah and Trey.
A Facebook photo of Hannah Baxter with her children Laianah, Aaliyah and Trey.

He turned to someone, protective.

“Hey darling,” he said. “With the kids. Walk away, walk the other way please. Keep going.”

The radio chatter continued and the officer confirmed Hannah was aware that her children had been killed.

“Yeah, she heard one on the radio that blurted across as I was standing there, so she knows that. So I’ll hang with her,” he said.

Another officer decided to approach witnesses. Sen Const Skaines was determined to stay by Hannah’s side.

Senior Constable Angus Skaines was commended for his work at the scene of the fire. NewsWire / Sarah Marshall
Senior Constable Angus Skaines was commended for his work at the scene of the fire. NewsWire / Sarah Marshall

“I’ll hang with her because I’ve been here,” he said.

And then, to a neighbour who’d been hosing Hannah down: “You’re doing an amazing job.”

To the paramedics, he said: “Is there anything I can help with while we’re here?”

A moment later, Hannah heartbreakingly told them she was struggling to stay on her feet.

“I really can’t stand for much longer,” she said.

“Do you want me to grab a seat?” he asked her. They go for the ambulance stretcher instead, and Sen Const Skaines helped them bring it to her.

Then he turned to a police cadet.

Rowan Baxter also died at the scene, from a self-inflicted knife wound. Photo: Facebook
Rowan Baxter also died at the scene, from a self-inflicted knife wound. Photo: Facebook

“Hey mate,” he said. “Do you want to, you don’t need to see this, so go and grab a seat up there. All right? Just hang back.”

They go through it with her again. How far did she make it before she pulled over?

“He said, all I wanted to do was see my children,” Hannah said.

When was the last time she’d seen him?

“Um, he FaceTimed the kids last night. But the last time I saw him in person, maybe a week ago,” she said.

Has he hurt you previously, Sen Const Skaines asked.

“He tried to break my wrist two weeks ago. So the Carina police know everything.”

Yesterday, Deputy State Coroner Jane Bentley praised the officer for his courage and humanity.

“Officer Skaines I’ve watched the body worn camera footage that was taken on that day and your professionalism and level headedness in the face of those horrific circumstances was commendable,” she said.

“Obviously if Baxter had lived, the evidence that you obtained from Hannah on that morning would have been indispensable in relation to the prosecution of him.”

Read related topics:Hannah Clarke

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