$390m, 490 homes: Qld’s biggest housing project gets green light
Construction on Queensland’s largest social housing project will begin next week after it secured hundreds of millions of dollars in federal, state and private sector funding.
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Construction on Queensland’s largest social housing project will begin next week after it secured hundreds of millions of dollars in federal, state and private sector funding.
It’s an outrage that legislation that could actually help alleviate the country’s housing crisis is being held to ransom for political mileage, writes the editor.
The debate over the housing market is nothing new but there is one big myth that needs to be debunked.
We need to increase our adoption of modern methods of construction to solve the housing crisis, write Paul Bidwell and Fiona Caniglia.
Empty homes will be freed up and thousands more units built after the Albanese government issued 11th hour approval to add retirement villages to its 1.2m new homes target from July 1.
Greater pressure is mounting on the Albanese government to cut immigration and foreign purchases of Australian homes as the housing and cost of living crisis escalates.
Childcare workers, teachers, nurses, police and public servants are unable to buy or rent a home on their own in South East Queensland, a new report has found.
Accommodation has been found for homeless people living in a park on the Gold Coast after a news story revealed the proximity of their camp to Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon’s electoral office.
Faith leaders have welcomed an election commitment by the LNP to introduce a build-to-rent scheme aimed at using vacant church land for social housing.
New data shows that caseloads for Queensland homeless support services have grown three times the national average, with many struggling to keep up.
David Crisafulli has vowed to remove a restriction that would open the door to home ownership to young Queenslanders, but Labor slammed a claim about the plan. POLL
There is “no better proof” that the housing crisis is getting worse than people sleeping rough in a park just up the road from Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon’s Gold Coast electorate office, critics say.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/topics/qld-housing-crisis/page/4