Why $7m home has ‘never been slept in’
A $7m Aussie waterfront home has never been slept in for a reason that will make your eyes water.
A $7m Aussie waterfront home has never been slept in for a reason that will make your eyes water.
Famous chefs are being lured away from hatted restaurants to help drive soaring profits in a surprising new sector.
Sydney’s real estate market is witnessing a growing gulf in prices due to building costs and a plethora of government taxes and levies.
Sonia Kruger is whispered to be $20 million richer after a “quiet” major deal landed in her favour.
A common move by cash strapped homeowners has unwittingly helped tenants as new rental data reveals “fantastic news”.
Move over Atlassian, three execs from another tech firm have splurged more than $50m on new luxury homes across Sydney in just 11 days.
It’s tempting to save money on a ‘blank canvas’ property, but sometimes the cheaper price tag can cost you more than you bargained for
The Block stars Mitch Edwards and Mark McKie are selling their Sydney beach home they renovated in a ‘tough slog’.
A former fashion magazine editor, interior designer and serial home renovator has made mega millions with the sale of her waterfront home.
An unexpected solution has been put on the table, with developers backing it but it could cause a stir.
RBA’s rate cut has seen banks go into competition mode. Before refinancing, here are the 50 best and five worst rates on the market.
Virgin Money is no longer alone, with another subsidiary of a defiant lender refusing to pass on the RBA rate cut to customers.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/real-estate/nsw/northern-beaches