‘Normal’: This is what $4m+ now buys you in Sydney
A humble house from the 1930s has sold for an insane sum at auction, with agents revealing why more results like it are coming.
A humble house from the 1930s has sold for an insane sum at auction, with agents revealing why more results like it are coming.
Wound-up neighbours claim their lives have been ruined by a brutal battleship-grey mega shed which blocks the sun and makes them feel like they’re in a prison camp.
A $7m Aussie waterfront home has never been slept in for a reason that will make your eyes water.
A nightclub DJ who used clever thinking to buy his first home aged 21 has revealed how he turned it into $16m worth of real estate.
The luxury home of hardware tsar turned property developer Fedor Czeiger and his wife, Elizabeth, has sold for $45m in a private deal linked to the billionaire next door.
Famous chefs are being lured away from hatted restaurants to help drive soaring profits in a surprising new sector.
Meet the highflyers making millions from investing in our troubled $20b childcare industry.
Lend Lease’s global CEO Tony Lombardo has just cashed in, to the tune of $13m but had to wait a long time to do it.
Some of Australia’s most expensive mansions have been snapped up in secret lucrative deals by the nation’s top CEOs. Now it can be revealed how they live and what they own.
There is hope for Sydney’s renters as suburbs around the city have begun to drop in value. See the suburbs where prices are now up to $200 per week cheaper.
What do you do if you think your strata levies are higher than they should be? And whose fault is it?
A move aimed at making homes more affordable for struggling Aussies has been savaged as ‘bulls**t’ and ‘just window dressing’ by one of Australia’s leading finance figures.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/real-estate/nsw/sydney