
Steven Francis Donovan pleads guilty to drug possession

A motorcyclist who was busted with a stash of a drug after he was injured in a Redland Bay crash has pleaded guilty before a Cleveland magistrate.

A motorcyclist who was busted with a large stash of drugs after he was injured in a Redland Bay crash has pleaded guilty before a Cleveland magistrate.
A motorcyclist who was busted with a large stash of drugs after he was injured in a Redland Bay crash has pleaded guilty before a Cleveland magistrate.

A Redland motorcyclist transporting a large amount of a dangerous drug was busted by police after he was injured and hospitalised after being involved in a crash at Redland Bay.

Steven Francis Donovan, 34, pleaded guilty to possessing dangerous drugs before the Cleveland Magistrates Court on Tuesday October 31, 2023.

A Police prosecutor said police attended a traffic crash at Collins Street, Redland Bay at 10.03pm on April 10, 2023.

“He was the rider of a black Harley Davidson,” the Sergeant said.

“While police were safeguarding the scene they located a clip sealed bag containing cannabis.

“Upon searching a storage compartment, on the rear of the bike, they found 58 grams,” she said.

Donovan was taken to hospital and received treatment for his injuries.

Donovan, who represented himself, said he suffered a break to his knee, ankle and fingers in the crash.

Magistrate Deborah Vasta ordered Donovan to attend one drug counselling session with a good behaviour bond of $400.

No convictions were recorded.

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