
Logan mother furious after she says boys from Flagstone State Community College circled and whipped her daughter

A furious mother says boys from a Logan school, known for its ‘fight club culture’, ‘circled and whipped’ her daughter on school grounds, capturing it all on film.

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A Logan mother said she was so furious she could hardly talk when her 13-year-old daughter returned home from school covered in what she says were whip marks yesterday afternoon.

“I will be pressing charges,” she said.

Her daughter is a Year 7 student at Flagstone State Community College– a Logan school at the centre of previous ‘fight club culture’ controversy after Instagram pages emerged depicting videos of students beating each other while in school uniform.

The school was also in the news last week, after parents spoke out alleging students in uniform were terrorising their younger children at a local park.

“I’m too furious,” the Flagstone mother of three said.

“If you think your sons are respectful, circling a girl and whipping her at school, think again.”

She alleged there was a group of 20 boys circling her daughter, seven actually whipping her with sticks and vines, and even more filming it.

“It’s not our first run in with bullying (at this school),” the angry mum said.

“They (the school) couldn’t call me because they haven’t spoken to the students involved before school ended.”

However a Department of Education spokesperson said “the claim that parents were not contacted in relation to the incident are false”.

The horrified mum shared a photo of bright red, raised scratches, covering her daughter’s bare legs.

12-year-old girls 'whipped' legs after a day at Flagstone State Community College. Picture – contributed.
12-year-old girls 'whipped' legs after a day at Flagstone State Community College. Picture – contributed.

She took to a local public Facebook community group. The post has since been deleted.

Comments poured in from concerned locals.

“This is disgusting,” another local said.

“I hope you do press charges. I also hope your girl is okay.

“Unfortunately this will be one of those school incidents that will stick in her mind forever.

“I’d be so ashamed if my kids were ever involved in anything like that.”

“This is horrible! I hope she is okay,” someone else said.

“What the hell,” another local commented.

However the mother said she was also met with some ‘awful’ comments, from the boys’ parents, saying her daughter had it coming and that there were two sides to every story.

“Legit no one cares, your daughter is a slag,” another person commented.

It is understood there is video footage, allegedly taken on mobile phones by students on school grounds, floating around depicting the girl being ‘whipped and tormented’ by the large group of boys.

A Depertment of Edcuation spokesperson said Flagstone State Community College was aware of an incident involving students that took place during recess yesterday.

They said incident had been investigated and responded to, in accordance with the school’s Student Code of Conduct (SCC).

“The parents of all the students involved were immediately contacted when staff were made aware of the incident and are all supportive of the actions the College has taken in response.

“Students are explicitly taught the expected behaviours and use of technology standards to establish clear and consistent boundaries.

“Behavioural expectations including processes for staff reporting poor behaviour and inappropriate use of technology are directly taught through lessons at assemblies, year parades, staff meetings, and during classes.

“Flagstone State Community College uses Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) as a whole-school framework to promote safe, respectful and responsible student behaviour.

“Staff take a proactive, preventative approach to ensure all students receive the appropriate level of support to help them to be successful at school.

“The school does not tolerate violence or anti-social behaviour in any form either physical or online and will not hesitate to report and immediately act on such behaviour.”

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