
Queensland Police data reveal increase in reports of sexual assault offences in Darling Downs District, Toowoomba Division

Reports of sexual offences in Toowoomba have soared by nearly 80 per cent, according to data released by Queensland Police.

What happens after a sexual assault?

The number of sexual offences reported in the Darling Downs District increased by more than 30 per cent in the past year, while in Toowoomba they’ve spiked by nearly 80 per cent, according to data from Queensland Police.

From 2019 to 2020, the number of reported sexual offences in the Darling Downs District increased from 442 to 447, a 1.13 per cent increase.

However, from 2020 to 2021 that number soared to 588, an increase of 31.54 per cent.

In the Toowoomba Division, reported sexual offences increased from 123 in 2020 to 219 in 2021, a spike of 78 per cent.

A Queensland Police Service spokesperson said a lot of work had been done to encourage and support victims to come forward and report incidents of sexual assault, with their efforts contributing to the increase in reported offences.

“We have dedicated and trained investigators in every police district and collaborate across government, with partners and the community to strengthen our response to all forms of sexual violence, and most importantly support victims,” the spokesperson said.

“The QPS recognise the process of reporting a sexual assault can be a confronting, extremely challenging and a difficult experience for victims. In August 2020 the service launched online sexual assault reporting which increases accessibility and options to support people in coming forward.

“The online sexual assault reporting form, which includes for the first time in Queensland the ability to report sexual violence directly over the phone, facilitates additional avenues for reporting offences, removing the need for victims of sexual assault to attend police stations to file a report should they not wish to do so.

“As well as being able to make a formal complaint online, victims can also access the alternative reporting option (ARO) online, which gives an option to provide information about a sexual assault, anonymously if preferred, that could assist police in solving reported offences of a similar nature.”

From July 1 2021 QPS began to record all domestic and family violence offences identified within the same incident, which would result in a statistical increase in the number of DFV related offence categories.

“This enhanced recording of DFV offences practice will provide a more accurate picture of the true prevalence and harm of DFV occurring within our communities,” the spokesperson said.

“It does not necessarily mean that more offences are occurring, but rather we are more accurately capturing the true baseline of DFV criminal offending as reported by members of the public to police.”

Darling Downs District Acting Superintendent Danny Shaw said police were committed to protecting and supporting victims of sexual assault and holding perpetrators to account.

“Offences of this nature are intensely personal and profoundly impactful, coming forward not only allows the perpetrator to be investigated and face justice but for the victim to be connected to vital support services,” he said.

“Darling Downs police acknowledge the immense bravery of all victims who come forward and report offending against them.”

The following people have been convicted of sexual offences in Toowoomba courts over the past 12 months.

Peter Gordon Lister

After waiting years for justice, the two victims of Peter Gordon Lister’s historic sexual abuse were able to see him put behind bars in November 2021.

Peter Lister was convicted of historic sexual abuse offences. Pics Tim Marsden
Peter Lister was convicted of historic sexual abuse offences. Pics Tim Marsden

Toowoomba District Court was told the 54-year-old assaulted one victim three times between 1994 and 2000 and a second three times between 2013 and 2015 across the Darling Downs.

Lister pleaded guilty to six charges of indecent treatment of a child.

One victim was eight at the time of the assault, while the second was between seven and ten years of age.

Judge Deborah Richards jailed Lister for two and a half years. He will be eligible for parole on September 15, 2022.

Bryson Clarence Potter

In a significant breach of trust the 83-year-old Bryson Clarence Potter sexually assaulted an 18-year-old in his car after taking her to breakfast.

Potter pleaded guilty to sexual assault in Toowoomba Magistrates Court in March 2022.

The court was told Potter met the young woman in the car park of Wyalla Plaza Shopping Centre before she got into his car and he drove them to a nearby McDonalds where they had breakfast.

After breakfast the woman got back into Potter’s car but instead of him driving her back to her car, he drove in the opposite direction to an isolated place in Torrington where he parked and unbuckled his seatbelt.

He then grabbed the woman’s hand and pulled her toward him as if to kiss her and she had said “no”. He had then grabbed the woman briefly on the breast prompting her to say “no” again.

Magistrate Howard Osborne said a period of imprisonment was appropriate given the seriousness of the offence and the effect it had had on the victim.

Mr Osborne sentenced Potter to four months in jail but ordered the whole term be suspended forthwith for two years.

William Brett Green

The 33-year-old man not only had sex with a 15-year-old girl, but also supplied her with methylamphetamine.

Green pleaded guilty to unlawful carnal knowledge of a child under 16, three counts of supplying dangerous drugs to a minor, seven counts of supplying dangerous drugs, possessing child exploitation material, possessing drug utensils and possessing a weapon in Toowoomba Supreme Court in June 2021.

The court was told Green entered into a sexual relationship with the girl, who had been staying with him and his ten girlfriend in early 2020.

While he initially believed she was 18, he continued to engage in consensual sex with the girl after learning she was just 15.

Green was sentenced to three years jail, however Justice Martin Burns declared 323 of pre-sentence custody as time served, and ordered the term be suspended as of August 3, 2021 after having served 12 months and be released on two years probation.

Zachary John Foran

The 30-year-old man supplied a 15-year-old girl with MDMA (ecstasy) and had sex with her on several occasions.

Toowoomba Supreme Court in December 2021 was told that Foran had believed the girl to be over 16 when he gave drugs to her and had sex with her in August 2019, however had sex with her again after learning she was in fact 15.

Foran pleaded guilty to supplying a dangerous drug to a minor and two counts of unlawful carnal knowledge.

Justice Martin Burns sentenced him to 18 months in jail, to be suspended after six months for three years. He also placed him on 18 months probation.

Man jailed for sexual relationship with granddaughter

A 72-year-old Toowoomba man, who had virtually no criminal history, was jailed after pleading guilty to maintaining a sexual relationship with his underage granddaughter over an 18 month period.

Toowoomba District Court in February 2022 was told that between 2013 and 2014 the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, kissing the victim, who was between seven and nine at the time, on various parts of her body, sexually touched her and had her sexually touch him.

Judge Alexander Horneman-Wren found the man to be of “little likelihood” of reoffending, and sentenced him to three and a half years in jail. The term was ordered to be suspended after 12 months with the balance of the term to hang over the man’s head for four years during which time he was not to commit any offence.

Brain injury to blame for sexual assault

A 58-year-old man twice sexually assaulted his 59-year-old neighbour, who had a broken leg at the time.

Toowoomba Magistrates Court in August 2021 was told in July that year the man was helping her unpack shopping, and when he was on her veranda tried to put his hand under the bra of the woman.

The next day, when the woman was in her car parked outside her house, the man came over and during a conversation reached into the car and put his hand between the woman’s legs.

At the time of the assaults the man told his neighbour he had an acquired brain injury from a vehicle accident and was “forthright” with women he found attractive.

Magistrate Damian Carroll placed the man on 18 months probation.

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Jail for man who had sex with teenage stepdaughter

A 43-year-old man, who cannot be named, pleaded guilty in Toowoomba District Court to indecent treatment of a girl under 16 and two counts of unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under 16 in May 2021.

The Western Downs man put his hand down the girls’ shirt and felt her breasts some time in 2017 before her 14th birthday, before the pair had consensual sexual intercourse during a night stopover in Charters Towers some time between March and May 2019 and again outside the family home on the Western Downs in his ute in mid-2019 when the girl was 15.

The victim initially denied anything had happened until police put certain information to her and she told of the two times of sexual intercourse.

The man made full admissions to police including informing them of the first indecent treatment incident which the girl had not told police, the court was told.

Judge Katherine McGuinness said the offending was very serious and sentenced the man to four years in jail but ordered the term be suspended after he has served eight months with the balance to hang over his head for four years.

Man raped nephew with intellectual disability

A judge was scathing of a 48-year-old man who raped his nephew on a number of occasions.

The man, who cannot be named so as to protect the identity of his victim, pleaded guilty to six counts of rape and four counts of indecently treating a child under 16 in Toowoomba District Court in June 2021.

The court was told the first seven offences took place while the boy was just 12 and visiting his grandfather’s home where the man was living, while the remaining offences took place when the boy was 16.

The man was charged in July 2019 but denied the allegations up until what was to be his trial.

Judge Ken Barlow QC sentenced him to eight and a half years in jail but, declaring 22 months pre-sentence custody as time already served, ordered he be eligible for parole on April 28, 2023, after having served three years and nine months.

Originally published as Queensland Police data reveal increase in reports of sexual assault offences in Darling Downs District, Toowoomba Division

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