
Warwick teen assaults trolley collector

The 19-year-old responded aggressively when he was told to ‘get the f--- away from the trolleys’.

CART COLLECTION: The assault occurred outside Rose City Shoppingworld. Picture: contributed
CART COLLECTION: The assault occurred outside Rose City Shoppingworld. Picture: contributed

A WARWICK teen who tried to start a fight with a trolley collector outside the town’s shopping centre has claimed he was “incensed” by a comment from his victim.

In February, the employee was gathering trolleys on Grafton St outside Rose City Shoppingworld when he noticed Cassidy Robert Ryan interfering with the shopping carts.

Police prosecutor Steve de Lissa told the Warwick Magistrates Court the victim shouted at the 19-year-old, saying “Get the f — k away from the trolleys!”

Sgt de Lissa said Ryan then challenged the trolley collector to a fight and shoved him in the chest twice in further attempts to provoke him.

The violence did not escalate further, and neither man was injured.

Defence lawyer Clare Hine told the court her client was incensed by the other man’s comment, but acknowledged his response was disproportionate and expressed remorse for his actions.

Magistrate Julian Noud chastised the teen’s conduct, and said the victim’s original remark “provided no defence or excuse for the behaviour”.

The 19-year-old was on probation at the time of his court appearance, and Magistrate Noud said the teen’s history was becoming concerning in the eyes of the court.

Ryan pleaded guilty to one count of common assault.

He was fined $250 and his conviction was not recorded.

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