
Leslie Dam, Condamine levels soar after Warwick receives 50mm rain in hours

Warwick residents are being told to stay alert as the massive morning rainfall totals continue to flow into an already bulging Condamine River.

Warwick flooding in March, 2021

This week’s rain in Warwick may have fallen short of the predicted deluge and flooding, but an overnight downpour has still given the community reason to celebrate.

The Bureau of Meteorology rain gauges in Warwick recorded 51mm in only a few hours on Friday morning, while the Environdata gauge on Percy Street indicated a slightly higher total of 53.2mm. 

Other towns in the northern end of the region also scored high totals with 38mm in Killarney and 70mm in Yangan.

The Condamine River in Warwick after more than 50mm rainfall in only a few hours on Friday morning.
The Condamine River in Warwick after more than 50mm rainfall in only a few hours on Friday morning.

Stanthorpe and the wider Granite Belt fell short of forecasts with only 10mm from Thursday into Friday, after close to 100mm rainfall overnight on Wednesday drove widespread flooding and road closures.

BOM meteorologist Doctor Helen Reid said the Warwick area was currently looking at a dry week ahead, but asked residents to keep a close eye on the Condamine River and connected systems.

“You still need to be careful, because there is still a lot of water in the landscape that could run off. Floods have a bit of a lag, so people do need to be aware of that,” she said.

The Condamine River in Warwick after more than 50mm rainfall in only a few hours on Friday morning.
The Condamine River in Warwick after more than 50mm rainfall in only a few hours on Friday morning.

“The Condamine is the main one people need to be aware of at the moment, I’d definitely keep an eye on it.

“If you’ve got blue skies there, then I would expect that to continue right through the weekend. Enjoy the weekend knowing the dams have some water in them and you’ve finally had some rain.”

Storm King and Connolly Dams remain at 100 per cent capacity after the weather event, while Leslie Dam has shot up from 57.3 per cent on Monday to 62.33 per cent as of Friday morning.

The rising dam levels have proven a huge confidence boost for Lake Leslie Tourist Park owners Adam and Caroline Bennett.

Water flowing into Leslie Dam. Picture: Warwick Tackle and Tusk
Water flowing into Leslie Dam. Picture: Warwick Tackle and Tusk

They said the inflows from the outskirts of the Stanthorpe weather system into Sandy Creek helped push up Leslie Dam levels despite rainfall totals coming up short of the predicted 140mm.

“It’s still flowing in, and probably will for the next couple of days. It probably won’t reach what we hoped or expected, but every bit counts,” Mr Bennett said.

“Bookings are going ballistic, it’s looking really good and it’s going to be a fantastic Christmas and New Years.

“It’s been some time since it’s looked like this.”

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