
Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital nurse speaks out about operating theatre practices

Another Sunshine Coast hospital has been named in a growing series of claims regarding operating theatre practices that some staff fear increase risks for patients.

Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital.
Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital.

A second Sunshine Coast private hospital has been named in a growing series of claims regarding operating theatre practices that some staff fear increase risks for patients.

A registered nurse employed at the Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital said they made a number of formal complaints regarding operating theatre practices they claimed put patients at risk.

The nurse, who did not wish to be named, said one incident involved a patient experiencing a post-operative bleed, where the operating surgeon did not return to the hospital.

“This patient was having post-operative bleeding, she was requesting the surgeon return, but he’d already left the hospital and said he wasn’t returning and that the nurses could deal with it,” they said.

“That is not the protocol, patients are paying for speciality surgery and they expect to see the surgeon when they request to.”

The nurse raised concerns about the attitudes of some staff who worked in the SCUPH theatres.

The nurse also alleged patients were being anaesthetised for surgery before the previous patients had left the theatre.

“They were commencing the anaesthesia in the anaesthetic bay basically while the previous patients are still on the table,” they said.

A SCUPH spokeswoman said the hospital had a “robust” system for dealing with concerns raised by staff.

“We have a robust patient safety program in place, including a specific surgical safety program,” she said.

“This program involves regular observation and clinical documentation audits, the review of all reported clinical incidents and complaints, and the development and implementation of clinical protocols and policies in the operating suite.

“We also have a very robust Speak Up For Patient Safety program which encourages and empowers staff to challenge potentially risky behaviour and promote patient safety to ensure we maintain high professional standards across the organisation.”

The latest allegations come after two whistleblowers raised concerns regarding practices at the Buderim Private Hospital, involving one incident where two patients were anaesthetised without the surgeon being on the hospital premises.

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