
Teen pays hefty price for $20 club charge outburst

A TEENAGER’S last night at the former Helm nightclub ended in the Maroochydore watchhouse.

Jai William Linsley, 19, pleaded guilty to obstructing police and causing a public nuisance outside the former Helm nightclub.
Jai William Linsley, 19, pleaded guilty to obstructing police and causing a public nuisance outside the former Helm nightclub.

A TEENAGER upset over losing his $20 cover charge has paid a higher price for his behaviour outside a nightclub.

Jai William Linsley’s last night at the former Helm nightclub, Mooloolaba, ended in the Maroochydore watchhouse after he fought police and called them “dog c----”.

Police prosecutor Vicky Kennedy-Grills told Maroochydore Magistrates Court patrolling police saw Linsley abuse and try push past security about 10.20pm on July 27.

She said when officers intervened Linsley continuously refused their direction to move on, and was ultimately wrestled to the ground and handcuffed.

Linsley, 19, pleaded guilty to obstructing police and committing public nuisance at the licensed premises.

He was fined $700 with no criminal conviction recorded.

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