
Rockhampton police crackdown on property crime, stolen cars, break ins

Rockhampton police have detailed some of the measures they’re taking to address a spike in stolen cars and break ins around Central Queensland, including calling in PolAir. SEE THE LIST OF OFFENCES.

Rockhampton police have detailed some of the measures they’re taking to catch offenders committing property offences around Central Queensland.
Rockhampton police have detailed some of the measures they’re taking to catch offenders committing property offences around Central Queensland.

Rockhampton police have assured they are using every available resource and have even made requests for PolAir patrols to combat the spike in property crime around the region.

In the 24 hours between Tuesday and Wednesday the Rockhampton Patrol Group recorded 21 property crime offences committed right around the area it covers.

Offences included break and enters, unlawful entries, car thefts and other property offences.

Detective Acting Inspector Luke Peachey from Capricorn Crime Group assured the community police were on the case and actively tracking the offenders.

“I know there is a level of frustration out there in regards to these offences, and police are also frustrated, but what I can tell you is we are working around the clock to apprehend these people and bring them before the courts,” he said.

Detective Acting Inspector Luke Peachey.
Detective Acting Inspector Luke Peachey.

“Over the Christmas period we did see that large spike, in one night we took seven offenders into custody and charged them with over 120 odd offences.

“There’s been an increase in property crime, but what is really pleasing is the apprehension rate of these people is well above the state average.

“Currently our property crime officers, from over the last couple of weeks, in the holding yard have 16 seized cars that were recovered that they’re processing. With that they hope to get forensic evidence which could link us to further offences being commited.”

Det Act Insp Peachey said the offending wasn’t happening in just one targeted area.

“We’ve got offenders we’re tracking now who have driven those stolen vehicles out to Biloela, Woorabinda and possibly back into Rockhampton,” he said.

He said police were using a number of resources such as social media, contacts in the community and police dogs to catch offenders.

“They’re (police dogs) a resource we use quite often, and I guess if those offenders want to run from a police dog then you’re a lot braver than me because I wouldn’t be running from that police dog, but at the end of the day we’ve got a number of resources out there,” he said.

“We’ve got different strategies we use all the time to apprehend these people and the police dog is a very, very successful resource for us.”

Det Act Insp Peachey said police had made requests for a PolAir helicopter to visit the region to keep an eye on things in the skies.

“We’ve put in requests and we’ll keep an open mind,” he said.

“We are hoping we get a response in regards to that soon, we’ve seen it when we’ve had natural disasters and we’ve also asked for it to happen now because of the spike in stolen cars.”

Crime maps data for Capricornia since December 4.
Crime maps data for Capricornia since December 4.

Police are also urging residents not to try and take matters into their own hands by following stolen vehicles.

Rockhampton City Patrol Group Acting Inspector Ben Wiltshire said police should be the first point of contact when someone has been the victim of a property offence.

Rockhampton City Patrol Group Acting Inspector Ben Wiltshire.
Rockhampton City Patrol Group Acting Inspector Ben Wiltshire.

“We have seen a rise in the number of stolen cars, especially in the last month or so, and police are out there actively investigating and also using tactical methods including tyre deflation devices,” he said.

“Unfortunately we’re also seeing some members of the public who have been following and trying to apprehend these offenders as well.

“While these members of the public might be well-meaning and trying to help in trying to stop these crimes, what we do see is this increases the risk to the general public and also everybody on the road. When we have two cars driving dangerously it doubles the risk.”

Crime maps data for Capricornia since December 4.
Crime maps data for Capricornia since December 4.

Det Act Insp Peachey and Act Insp Wiltshire both encouraged residents who have been targeted by offenders to contact Policelink first.

“Let us know what you know and let us know what you see, but let us try and follow up with the offenders,” Act Insp Wiltshire said.

Police encourage residents to only call 000 in an emergency or if a crime is unfolding now.

Residents can report crimes to Policelink by calling 131 444 or lodging it online via the suspicious activity form.

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