
Biloela’s Caitlyn Donohoe graduates as UQ Valedictorian of Law

When a 17-year-old girl moved 600km away from her close-knit family to attend a prestigious uni, she also had to contend with a serious disability on top of her studies. But she wasn’t going to let that thwart her dreams. Read her inspirational story

UQ Valedictorian of Law Caitlyn Donohoe.
UQ Valedictorian of Law Caitlyn Donohoe.

Moving away from home in regional Queensland to the big smoke for university can be daunting for anyone, but doing it when you have a disability can be particularly challenging.

But that didn’t stop 17-year-old Caitlyn Donohoe from following her dream to move 600km from Biloela to Brisbane to study law at The University of Queensland.

This week the inspirational young woman from a town with a population under 6000 graduated as the UQ Valedictorian of Law.

Caitlyn has a physical disability called arthrogryposis, a condition which means she has an incomplete set of muscles and some twisted joints.

Her condition meant she had a lot more to consider when she was moving out of home for the first time.

UQ Valedictorian of Law Caitlyn Donohoe and her mum Cammi Donohoe.
UQ Valedictorian of Law Caitlyn Donohoe and her mum Cammi Donohoe.

“Because I have no biceps, I can’t put my arms out to break a fall, so I use a wheelchair to get around public spaces and need someone with me 24/7,” she said.

“But there was no way I wasn’t moving away to go to uni... it was just a matter of how we could make it happen.”

Caitlyn said her move required a lot of logistics and likened it to “running a small business”, needing about 10 carers in rotation to fill day and night shifts and to cover people.

“First year uni was the first time I had carers outside my incredible family, and I had to navigate the NDIS system while starting my degree and being far from home, so it was a lot,” she said.

Despite all of this, Caitlyn, who graduated as the Dux of Biloela State High School, excelled academically throughout her studies and managed to volunteer most semesters.

Caitlyn received a UQ Leadership, Excellence and Diversity (LEAD) Scholarship and UQ Excellence Scholarship and enrolled in the Bachelors of Arts/Laws (Honours) program.

“I think it’s important to help where you can,” she said.

“I’ve volunteered with Disability Law Queensland investigating housing options for people with disabilities and their families, published a literature review for the Queensland Council of Social Services to secure government funding for their COVID-19 recovery plan and drafted asylum seeker claims for the Justice Centre Hong Kong.”

UQ Valedictorian of Law Caitlyn Donohoe and family.
UQ Valedictorian of Law Caitlyn Donohoe and family.

A highlights of Caitlyn’s time studying was competing in the 2023 Jessup International Moot competition where her team placed third and travelled to Washington DC where they placed 40th in the international rounds.

Caitlyn credits her mum Cammi Donohoe, the Biloela State High School legal studies teacher, with imparting her passion for law.

She said her parents were passionate advocates who ensured she was given every opportunity to not only participate, but excel.

“Mum and dad campaigned for more teacher aide support when I started high school, because without it I would have only been able to attend two days a week,” she said.

“Then when it looked like a lack of technical support meant I wouldn’t be able to sit some of my final school exams alongside my classmates, they spoke up for me.

“They never gave up.”

Caitlyn said it was an approach she carried with her.

“Mum gave me a plaque that sits on my desk that reads, ‘Don’t let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do’,” she said.

“That kind of sums up my story and I think it’s an important message for anyone, that no matter what obstacles you face, do what you can do and always try your hardest.”

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