
Sebastian Robert Vonthien pleads guilty to having sex in public in major Brisbane CBD street

A Queensland magistrate has questioned what’s going on with today’s youth after a 22-year-old man faced court for having sex with a woman whose name he did not know outside a Brisbane pub.

Sebastian Robert Vonthien pleaded guilty in Mackay Magistrates Court to doing an indecent act for having sex in public.
Sebastian Robert Vonthien pleaded guilty in Mackay Magistrates Court to doing an indecent act for having sex in public.

A young man is busted having sex with a woman whose name he does not know outside an Irish pub in Brisbane’s CBD.

It lands him in a Mackay court where a magistrate wonders aloud “I don’t know what’s the trouble with today’s youth...I don’t know if they are losing their vision or they’ve got a better sense of adventure than we did nowadays”.

The illegal tryst and magistrate’s musings made for colourful proceedings on Tuesday as Mackay Magistrates Court heard what unfolded that night.

Sebastian Robert Vonthien was told there were “plenty of motels around Elizabeth St” when he appeared before Magistrate Damien Dwyer over the one night stand.

Police had been patrolling Elizabeth St near the George St intersection on May 17, 2024 when about 4.30am officers spotted a man and a woman near the entrance of Irish Murphy’s pub, prosecutor Sergeant Hannah Beaumont said.

“The female’s skirt was lifted up, the male’s pants were down, the parties were clearly engaged in sexual intercourse,” Sergeant Beaumont said.

Sebastian Robert Vonthien pleaded guilty in Mackay Magistrates Court to doing an indecent act for having sex in public.
Sebastian Robert Vonthien pleaded guilty in Mackay Magistrates Court to doing an indecent act for having sex in public.

Vonthien pleaded guilty to an indecent act in any place to which the public are permitted access.

“I’m not being flippant but did the other party get charged,” Mr Dwyer asked midway through the sentence.

The court heard the line of questioning was in relation to penalty parity.

It was at this point it Vonthien told his solicitor in court he did not know her name and had not gotten her name at the time.

Sergeant Beaumont told the court she had received a $500 fine and a conviction was not recorded.

Mr Dwyer asked ATSILS solicitor Robyn Cathcart if there was anything she wanted to say, to which she responded: “No your honour I think my client’s embarrassed enough.”
Mr Dwyer told Vonthien there was a “time and place” for everything and the “footpath outside the Irish pub was not the time or the place”.

Vonthien was also find $500 and a conviction was not recorded.

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