
Levi James Brown has pleaded not guilty to offences including armed robbery

A pub worker has described the moment an armed robber demanded cash while wielding a large machete, which is alleged to be part of a man’s two-day crime spree.

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A Mackay pub worker has described the moment an armed robber hidden beneath a mask, large hoodie and gloves demanded cash while wielding a large machete.

CCTV footage of the brazen incident, that occurred about 8.50pm on August 26, 2020 was played for a six-man, six-woman Mackay District Court jury.

It showed the offender exit a white ute, which the Crown says is central to the case, and walk towards Leanne Reeves holding the machete.

Ms Reeves had been working in the Shamrock Hotel’s drive-through bottle shop.

Levi James Brown has pleaded not guilty to an armed robbery at The Shamrock Hotel on Nebo Road, Mackay
Levi James Brown has pleaded not guilty to an armed robbery at The Shamrock Hotel on Nebo Road, Mackay

She told the court the offender said, “Open the f--king till and give me the f--ing money” before jumping the counter and moving towards her.

The court heard the offender had thrown a cream coloured calico bag into which she placed $720 in cash from the register.

Under cross examination Ms Reeves agreed it was a “terrifying experience”, but when asked if it was “all a bit of a blur”, she said, “No I relive it every day.”

Ms Reeves told the court the offender had been wearing a balaclava, a big hoodie and gloves.

Levi James Brown is charged with a raft of offences over an alleged two-day crime spree on August 25 and 26, 2020 that included an armed robbery at the Shamrock Hotel.

He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The court heard the crown alleged two men in a white ute were involved in targeting four businesses and that Mr Brown was one of the two men.

The offending involved an attempted break in at the Coalport Cash Store at Hay Point, a break in and theft of alcohol at the Hay Point Hotel, a break in at the 5 Star Handimarket at Eton and the armed robbery Shamrock Hotel.

The court heard that ute was used in some of the offending and Mr Brown was seen in a white ute three times on August 25.

The court heard he was also found sleeping in a white ute in Moranbah five hours after the armed robbery and when police searched the vehicle officers found dark clothing, a mask and a machete, which the Crown said the jury may “think are linked to some of those previous offences”.

A footprint on the counter at the Shamrock Hotel shared characteristics with a shoe police took from the white ute – but DNA from the shoe did not match Mr Brown.

The court heard there was no evidence directly implicating Mr Brown in the offending and his DNA or fingerprints were not on any of the items seized from the ute.

The court heard CCTV footage captured the offending and the Crown alleged Mr Brown was either the offender depicted in the footage or was in the ute.

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