
SES heroes in full swing as Qld rain escalates

The best of Queensland is on show as our State Emergency Service volunteers brave torrential rain to help out as floodwaters rise. VIDEO, PHOTOS

Mackay SES on the Pioneer River on January 16, 2023

SES heroes are in the thick of the storm as Queensland faces its fifth day of punishing rainfall.

From Mackay to the Whitsundays, the volunteers have been called out to flood boat rescues, welfare checks on motorists and a range of storm protection jobs.

An SES Mackay flood boat team kicked into gear just before midday on Monday to help out a man whose boat was at risk from debris and weeds on Mackay’s Pioneer River.

SES volunteers Dave Rover and Briant Kunst took the rescue vessel out at the River St ramp for a welfare check on Anthony Ward, who worked with a pole to clear weeds from his boat.

An SES flood boat crew helps out Anthony Ward on the Pioneer River on January 16, 2023. Picture: Duncan Evans
An SES flood boat crew helps out Anthony Ward on the Pioneer River on January 16, 2023. Picture: Duncan Evans

Mr Ward explained some debris had gotten caught in his anchor but he decided to stay where he was after talking for a short time with Mr Rover and Kunst.

“I’m not in any danger yet,” he said. “This is all I’ve got.”

Mr Ward lives on the small boat.

Anthony Ward on the Pioneer River on January 16, 2023. Picture: Duncan Evans
Anthony Ward on the Pioneer River on January 16, 2023. Picture: Duncan Evans

On their return, Mr Kunst said the SES “couldn’t make” someone leave if they were not endangering others, but added Mr Ward’s boat would be at risk if more weeds and debris built up on it.

“That is his home,” he said.

Queensland police also attended the scene and went out with the SES crew to chat with Mr Ward.

SES Mackay volunteers Dave Rover (left) and Brian Kunst by the Pioneer River on January 16, 2023. Picture: Duncan Evans
SES Mackay volunteers Dave Rover (left) and Brian Kunst by the Pioneer River on January 16, 2023. Picture: Duncan Evans

Whitsunday SES controller Mark Connors said a team helped out a man whose car was crushed by a falling tree in Jubilee Pocket, cutting the tree off the vehicle.

“Poor bugger, got this guy’s car and basically wrote it off” he said.

“No one in it fortunately.”

Mr Connors said the SES had also conducted a welfare check on motorists trapped by floodwaters on the Bruce Highway south of Proserpine.

The SES cut off a tree from a man's car in Jubilee Pocket on January 16, 2023. Picture: Contributed
The SES cut off a tree from a man's car in Jubilee Pocket on January 16, 2023. Picture: Contributed

“We just did a welfare check, took some food out for them,” he said.

“They are high and dry, well and truly out of the water.”

Mr Connors added the SES were monitoring them and had their contact details in case the situation changed.

Mr Connors said his SES crews were also sandbagging homes and businesses.

“The rain went quiet here for a little while but now it has really picked back up again.”

Mackay SES controller Alex McPhee said his crews had worked some 30 jobs since Thursday and more were coming through, with 18 members out in the field on Monday and more on standby.

Mackay SES deputy group leader Nicole Pasquale on a roof job in Mackay on January 15, 2023. Picture: Contributed
Mackay SES deputy group leader Nicole Pasquale on a roof job in Mackay on January 15, 2023. Picture: Contributed

The rainfall continues to pummel large swatches of North and Central Queensland.

About 100 people camped out at the Bowen PCYC on Sunday night after they were stranded because of road closures.

Travellers including backpackers and families with children are scrambling to find accommodation as bookings are cancelled and highways are cut off.

The Prince of Wales Hotel in Proserpine is fully booked for the next few days and in Bowen, the Queens Beach Hotel has fielded inquiries from Townsville and Mackay residents who can’t get home including families needing to prepare for school resuming next week.

Whitsunday Sands Resort owners Jannet and John Courtney said families were separated from their children, pets, and workplaces with many sending emails in to their bosses.

Dozens of Whitsunday region residents have volunteered their homes as emergency shelter as others give towels or offer to do laundry for those taking refuge at Bowen’s PCYC.

Bowen resident Trudy Allen said the community’s generosity made her “very proud to be a Queenslander”.

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