

Eungella farmers Judy and Mick Cook claim aliens are mutilating cows

Two graziers in Queensland say aliens are ‘the only explanation’ for the strange lights in the sky and cows found with seemingly surgically-removed body parts.

Strange things are happening again on a remote farm in Central Queensland.

Six months ago, graziers Judy and Mick Cook woke up to find one of their cows mutilated in a way that defies easy explanation.

The udder, cheek and tongue had been cleanly removed with no traces of blood, or marks showing any movement around the cow.

Judy reckons it was the work of aliens.

“How is it happening? It must have something that lifts it up and puts it down and doesn’t leave any marks” she said.

“(Aliens are) the only explanation I have got.”

The udder, cheek and tongue of the cow had been cleanly removed with no traces of blood or hoof marks. Picture: Contributed
The udder, cheek and tongue of the cow had been cleanly removed with no traces of blood or hoof marks. Picture: Contributed

Judy said other animals on their property were also wary of the dead cow and would not go near it.

“She just rotted away and nothing would touch her,” she said.

This is not the first time the Cooks have lost cows to bizarre mutilations.

The couple run about 1100 cattle on a 14,600 hectare property west of Eungella, and in the past 18 years Judy estimates they have lost 20 cows in the same striking manner: organs removed with surgical precision and no blood.

Judy and Mick also claim to have witnessed “quite a lot of” strange lights in the sky above their property.

“You get this light – it will jump up and go down, jump up and go down,” Judy said.

“Then fade away and become bright again, then fade away and come bright.

Judy and Mick Cook. Picture: Stuart Quinn
Judy and Mick Cook. Picture: Stuart Quinn

“You can’t explain them.”

Mick and Judy are not alone in their experience.

UFO Research Queensland president Sheryl Gottschall said their story matched reports of cattle mutilations in the United States.

“There have been many cattle found mutilated there,” she said.

“When the cattle are found, they are laying on the ground on their side, they are dead, they have had body parts removed, often all the blood is removed, and there is no sign of blood around the animal.

“And when an animal is laying on its side, you look for hoof marks, where the animal has tried to get up, and there is none.

“So it is like it has come from somewhere else and it has been laid on the ground there.”

Judy and Mick Cook run about 1100 cattle on a property west of Eungella Dam. Picture: Contributed
Judy and Mick Cook run about 1100 cattle on a property west of Eungella Dam. Picture: Contributed

Mrs Gottschall said the mutilations were also sometimes linked to visions of strange lights in the sky.

She also alleged extraterrestrials abducted humans to collect cell and tissue samples and cattle mutilations could be part of the same program.

“The thought is they are doing that to humans, they are taking all these cells as samples, and they do it to animals as well,” she said.

Judy said the possibility of UFOs and alien visitation had gained more mainstream currency over time.

“If you mentioned anything like that before, people thought, ‘you are a bit odd, something wrong there’,” she said.

“But now I think they are getting more accepting and know that there is something else out there.”

Governments are also directing resources to UFO research.

The udder, cheek and tongue had been cleanly removed with no traces of blood or marks showing any movement around the cow. Picture: Contributed
The udder, cheek and tongue had been cleanly removed with no traces of blood or marks showing any movement around the cow. Picture: Contributed

A 2021 report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, a United States government agency, revealed an explanatory gap for a limited number of unidentified aerial phenomena, a term that has replaced UFO.

“In a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics,” the report states.

“These observations could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer misperception and require additional rigorous analysis.”

Judy said she was at first scared at the thought aliens were visiting her farm, but had come to adopt a more stoic posture.

“If they want to, they are going to come and get you,” she said.

“So what is the use of worrying?”

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