
Ipswich man Clinton Robinson walks free after supplying methylamphetamine, cannabis

The so-called “sidekick” boyfriend of an alleged drug dealing woman walked free from court after pleading guilty to nine counts of supplying methylamphetamine and cannabis.

Australia's Court System

An Ipswich dad-of-two, described by a judge as the “sidekick” in his ex-girlfriend’s drug trafficking business, wiped tears from his eyes as details of his crimes were revealed to a courtroom more than a year after they were committed.

Clinton Robinson, 39, from Ebbw Vale appeared in the Ipswich District Court on April 4, where he pleaded guilty to nine counts of supplying schedule one dangerous drugs.

The court heard he was 37 when he decided to assist his now ex-girlfriend, a young and prolific Ipswich drug dealer, in her trafficking operation between September and November 2019.

The first occasion of supply related to a quarter of an ounce of cannabis, while the remaining occasions related to methylamphetamine.

Crown prosecutor Jessica Beckman said phone intercepts revealed he was involved in the supply of cannabis on one occasion and of methylamphetamine on four occasions, also offering to supply methylamphetamine on one occasion and actually supplying methylamphetamine on three occasions.

She noted Robinson entered a “timely” plea of guilty.

Defence barrister Scott Neaves told the court his client was employed and had the support of his family.

He said Robinson’s employer spoke particularly highly of his work ethic and his father said he was “seeing a real change in his son” who was becoming a “very useful member of his family”.

The court heard the 39-year-old’s own drug use had played a role in his offending; as had the nature of his relationship with the alleged principal offender, his then-girlfriend.

At the time of committing the crimes, Robinson was understood to have been using methylamphetamine on a daily basis.

Judge Dennis Lynch QC said he had taken such factors into consideration, as well as Robinson‘s limited but relevant criminal history and pleas of guilty.

“I should note that your involvement was not in the sense of being a principal offender who was obtaining and then selling methylamphetamine for your own benefit, but more in the nature of being a sidekick or an assistant to a person who was trafficking in methylamphetamine,” Mr Lynch said.

Mr Lynch told Robinson that he was glad to hear he had resumed a relationship with and had the support of his two children, aged 17 and 12, but he would have to stay clear of drugs if he wanted to continue his positive trajectory.

“I note … that you have made genuine efforts to change your life and your rehabilitation is well underway,” he said.

“You are in a perfect position … to understand the terrible damage done to the community by the distribution of methylamphetamine and to engage in supplies of that drug to others widens the area of damage that is caused.”

Robinson was sentenced to a total of 18 months’ imprisonment with immediate parole.

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