
Boban Djordjevic: Ipswich man’s ‘bizarre’ burglary, 24-hour crime spree exposed in court

An Ipswich mum preparing to leave for work was confronted by a man who entered her hallway and shouted “I own this house’’, a court has heard.

Queensland Police Commissioner's message to victims of crime

An Ipswich man walked into a stranger’s home during a daylong crime spree, assaulted an occupant and set their car on fire after declaring “I own this house’’.

Boban Djordjevic, 32, appeared in Ipswich District Court last Friday (April 1), where he pleaded guilty to arson, entering a dwelling and committing an indictable offence, committing public nuisance and attempting to enter a premises with intent.

The court heard all four offences were committed within a 24-hour period.

Djordjevic committed the first offence, a burglary, at Redbank Plains between 4am and 5am on July 31 last year before being arrested by police and let out on bail.

Prosecutor Rachel Stewart later that day a woman was getting ready for work in her bedroom when she heard noises in the hallway and found Djordjevic standing there.

“She ... asked why he was inside the house and he said words to the effect of ‘I own the bank, I own this house’,” she said.

Ms Stewart said Djordjevic approached the woman, who told him to leave and then pushed Djordjevic away.

When her husband came out of a bedroom to investigate he pushed Djordjevic into the garage, but Djordjevic threw a large jar at his head and fled.

The couple’s adult children were woken by the commotion and chased Djordjevic, pinning him down in the front yard until police arrived.

Police released Djordjeivc on watch house bail later in the day but about 11.30pm he tried to break into a car at another address, the court heard.

He was then captured on CCTV entering a second car parked on a street and setting it on fire, destroying it.

Djordjevic’s lawyer, Justin Thomas, said his client acknowledged the seriousness of his conduct and told Mr Thomas he was “lucky I didn’t kill someone”.

He said the bizarre nature of Djordjevic’s conduct related to his use of methylamphetamine.

He had a good work history but had suffered some mental health and family difficulties.

He also noted Djordjevic had served eight months in custody.

Judge Dennis Lynch, QC, took into account the seriousness of the offending, the bizarre nature of the conduct, Djordjevic’s pleas of guilty, and the drug-induced state of psychosis he appeared to have been experiencing at the time.

He said a letter from Djordjevic’s sister and former employer, as well as his limited criminal history, indicated the offences were out of character.

Djordjevic was sentenced to three years’ jail, with parole in May 31.

He declared the 242 days Djordjevic had spent in presentence custody as time served.

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