
Nicholas James Hickey guilty: entering vehicle, driving vehicle, obstructing police, contravening police requirement

A hang-out with friends at the Railway Hotel in Imbil turned devastating for a 17-year-old boy when his life was threatened and his car stolen.

Nicholas Hickey pleaded guilty on Wednesday to entering a teen’s vehicle with intent, unlawfully using the vehicle, obstructing a police officer and contravening a direct requirement given by a police officer.
Nicholas Hickey pleaded guilty on Wednesday to entering a teen’s vehicle with intent, unlawfully using the vehicle, obstructing a police officer and contravening a direct requirement given by a police officer.

A hang-out with friends at the Railway Hotel in Imbil on July 26, 2023 turned devastating for a 17-year-old boy after Nicholas Hickey threatened his life.

Hickey, 24, from Victoria, pleaded guilty in Gympie District Court on Wednesday to entering the teen’s vehicle with intent, unlawfully using the vehicle, obstructing a police officer and contravening a direct requirement given by a police officer.

Crown prosecutor Christa Nicola told the court the teen had no connection to Hickey, other than a brief interaction earlier that day in which Hickey asked him a question and he said he did not know.

Nicholas Hickey pleaded guilty on Wednesday to entering the teen’s vehicle with intent, unlawfully using the vehicle, obstructing a police officer and contravening a direct requirement given by a police officer.
Nicholas Hickey pleaded guilty on Wednesday to entering the teen’s vehicle with intent, unlawfully using the vehicle, obstructing a police officer and contravening a direct requirement given by a police officer.

Ten minutes later, Hickey said to the teen “you owe me”.

Ms Nicola said the boy later found Hickey getting into his car.

“What are you doing, mate?” the teen asked.

The court heard that Hickey said, “give me the keys, or I’ll put a bullet hole in you”.

The complainant thought he saw the outline of a gun through Hickey’s pants and complied with the command, although it was later found Hickey was not carrying a gun.

When the 17-year-old attempted to take back his keys, he was threatened again.

Hickey drove off with the car, which was later found nearby with $17,000 in damages, including a shattered windscreen, deflated tire, and panel damage.

The car was written off.

The court heard it had sentimental value to the victim.

A relative had bought the car for him before her death.

The event also impacted the teen’s ability to visit another dying family member in hospital.

Ms Nicola told the court the boy had since been “nervous around strangers”.

District Court Judge Brad Farr said Hickey was “belligerent” when caught.

He obstructed a police officer performing his duties, and contravened a direct requirement given by a police officer by failing to provide a correct name and address.

A hang-out with friends at the Railway Hotel in Imbil on July 26 2023 turned devastating for a 17-year-old boy after Nicholas Hickey threatened his life. Picture: Shane Zahner
A hang-out with friends at the Railway Hotel in Imbil on July 26 2023 turned devastating for a 17-year-old boy after Nicholas Hickey threatened his life. Picture: Shane Zahner

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The court heard the Hickey had no relevant history in Queensland, but had an extensive relevant history of stealing cars in Victoria.

Judge Farr said if Hickey did not change his actions “you’re going to spend the rest of your adult life in prison”.

He took into consideration the 274 days Hickey had already spent in jail awaiting sentencing.

He was given two years for entering the vehicle with intent, and nine months for stealing the car, to be served concurrently.

He was convicted and not further punished for the remaining charges.

Hickey was released on immediate parole.

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