
Your vote counts: Sharon Lohse, One Nation candidate for Flynn in the 2022 Federal election

Here’s what PHON candidate for Flynn, Sharon Lohse thinks about key issues such as housing affordability and the cost of living, and why she thinks you should put the major parties last.

One Nation to preference LNP in Queensland

Revitalising rural towns, opening new coal-fired power stations and decentralising health services are among the One Nation candidates’ top priorities as she says ‘net zero’ would take us back to the dark ages.

Coming from a multi-generational grazing family in rural Queensland, Sharon Lohse has experience working in the banking sector, with Queensland Health and homeschooling her three children.

Here’s how Sharon responded to the questions we put to all seven candidates vying for your vote in Flynn.

One Nation candidate for Flynn, Sharon Lohse. Picture: Supplied
One Nation candidate for Flynn, Sharon Lohse. Picture: Supplied

What are the three issues that you believe matter most to voters in the Flynn electorate?

1. Affordable Energy and Cost of living- By building new low-emission coal-fired power stations. By bring energy costs down, this will enable primary production and industry to reduce their costs, thus the flow on effect to the consumer will be felt in the supermarkets.

2. Water Security – by upgrading and building more water reserves and not allowing foreign ownership of our water. Improved living conditions in rural towns and reduced cost of food production will be the result.

3. Jobs in rural and regional towns- by implementing an apprenticeship scheme to assist small business attract young people into trade based apprenticeships. ON does not support casualisation of the workforce, and embraces full time jobs.

How will you address and seek to resolve the increased pressure of cost of living?

By building new low-emission coal-fired power stations, thus bring energy costs down, this will enable primary production and industry to reduce their costs, thus the flow on effect to the consumer will be felt in the supermarkets.

Also by addressing our lack of Water Security, upgrading and building more water reserves and not allowing foreign ownership of our water, will flow on to reduced cost of production.

How will you make house prices and rent more affordable, increase public housing and reduce the number of homeless residents?

There is no short quick fix here. It will take a lot of consultation with community, as most people even if supplied with government housing, don’t wish to take it up, as it is not where they wish to live.

We have seen old age peoples home in rural towns taken up by unemployed persons relocated of from cities, and it is causing a lot of social issues, adding to the financial burden of public services in these communities that have already had their service depleted and stripped by the successive governments.

With the focus of Flynn often being on Gladstone, what are big projects and issues you will address in more remote parts of the electorate?

As previously mentioned, energy costs, water infrastructure and building/upgrading roads are priority, all contributing to assist reduce costs of primary production from farm gate to supermarket shelves.

Do you support the Mt Morgan water pipeline project and do you support the rehabilitation of the Mt Morgan Mine by Heritage Minerals?

Yes, there are also another 15 to 22 sites that could be made profitable again using the technology if it’s successful.

Do you support Gladstone being reinstated as a “Distribution Priority Area” for doctors and what other commitments will you make to health services in Flynn?

It’s not only the Gladstone and greater Gladstone area in a doctor shortage crisis, towns like Biggenden haven’t had a permanent doctor for considerable time.

Mothers are birthing on the side of the roads, and the elderly moving to metropolitan due to the health service crisis.

A major focus is to once again make the rural town vibrant and self sustainable, thus needing all services that our metropolitan friends enjoy.

Do you support net zero emissions and do you endorse the shift to hydrogen and other renewable industries emerging in Gladstone?

Net zero emissions equals, net zero jobs, and farming.

Renewables are on average four times more expensive, create and supply limited jobs ongoing, and do not supply base load power.

It is an anti-human policy, putting us back in the dark ages.

Do you support traditional industries in Flynn such as coal and gas?

As mentioned above we must supply base load power to afford our primary and secondary industries with the ability to produce and supply goods and services. Without these we cannot sustain life.

While Hospitals are a state issue, residents are telling us it is unacceptable that Gladstone Hospital is a level three facility, without and ICU unit, will you lobby for upgrades to the Gladstone Hospital?

As previous, I will lobby to afford our community the health services we deserve, as does our city counterparts.

Decentralisation of health services back into rural and regional Australia is vital for survival of these communities.

Has Scott Morrison handled this term as Prime Minister well and do you think Anthony Albanese would be a better Prime Minister going forward?

I think neither have the vision for rural and regional towns, without the alternative parties such as Pauline Hanson’s One Nation to keep them on track, up to date and on focus for what communities need. Holding the balance of power will enable this.

Both have lost connection with people outside the city bubble.

Should people in Flynn put independents and minor parties above the major parties, and why?

Absolutely, convey the message that they are forgotten and need the alternative parties to hold balance of power and bring a voice back to the regions.

What makes Flynn different to other electorates?

It varies greatly from west to east, from mining and farming communities to the gateway port of Gladstone to the world. It needs a strong voice who has lived a rural and business background to convey the needs of these communities.

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