
Ashley Edward Himstedt sentenced for Gladstone car thefts

The identity of a Central Queensland car thief who was using “1g of meth a day” during his most recent spree can be revealed along with his history of offending.

Ashley Edward Himstedt.
Ashley Edward Himstedt.

A serial Central Queensland car thief was using “1g of meth a day” during his recent crime spree, a court has heard.

Ashley Edward Himstedt, 20, appeared in custody in Gladstone Magistrates Court where he pleaded guilty to numerous charges including fraud, trespass, two counts of enter premises and commit indictable offence, three counts of unlawful use of a motor vehicle, and disqualified driving.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Merrilyn Hoskins said Himstedt stole three cars, drove while his licence was disqualified, and stole petrol on one occasion to use one of the vehicles.

“And he gets the keys by either going into people’s homes, or into their cars, or into their driveways,” Sgt Hoskins said.

The prosecutor further said it was Himstedt’s third disqualified driving offence in two years.

The court also heard that Himstedt committed these latest offences while on a suspended sentence for stealing.

“The court has given him every opportunity to retain his liberty by suspending all prison terms,” Sgt Hoskins said.

Ashley Edward Himstedt.
Ashley Edward Himstedt.

The prosecution submitted the suspended sentence should be activated.

Himstedt had a five-page criminal history, and his traffic record was two pages.

Solicitor Bianca Wieland said Himstedt was born in Toowoomba and raised “all over Queensland” moving “various times.”

Ms Wieland said Himstedt was educated until Year 7 and he started using drugs at age 11 before moving to meth use by the time he was 13.

She said he fell into “heavy” drug use more recently following a personal tragedy and at the time of committing these offences, he was using 1g of methamphetamine a day.

On May 15, Magistrate Mary Buchanan sentenced Himstedt to 12 months’ jail, declared 62 days’ pre-sentence custody as time already served, and fixed parole release on July 14, 2024.

She activated the suspended sentence in full to be served concurrently.

Himstedt was also disqualified from driving for two years.

Convictions were recorded.

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