Rental reform could give tenants more rights than landlords
Renters could soon have more rights if they get their way after a recent renting reform survey.
Renters could soon have more rights if they get their way after a recent renting reform survey.
The $10 million office development on Torquay Rd is expected to be completed by August.
Covered in inflamed, red parasitic bites, the former homeless family is living a nightmare in a low cost rental.
One of the Fraser Coast’s most controversial caravan parks has sold for $1.7million
UPDATE: Toowoomba’s newest housing estate has been welcomed by the local chair of the Real Estate Institute of Queensland.
SOLD: 240 waterfront apartments adjacent to the new Sunshine Coast University Hospital have been sold by the RGD Group in two years.
THE developers behind the $30 million Rules Beach Resort have shifted their focus to building a caravan park next year.
Real Estate Institute of Queensland Ipswich representative Darren Boettcher said the market was showing positive signs.
Protection needed for old homes
IT’S been a long wait for vacant land at this development, so the blocks are expected to be snapped up at auction this weekend.
Local knowledge and skill built into First Bay Coolum apartments
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