
Drivers face Chinchilla Magistrates Court

A series of drivers have faced court in Chinchilla Magistrates Court for breaking the rules of the road. Find out more here.

CHINCHILLA COURT HOUSE Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Clark
CHINCHILLA COURT HOUSE Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Clark

A series of drivers have faced the Chinchilla Magistrates Court on Thursday.


• Alyce Mary Dangerfield, 30, pleaded guilty to driving while drugs were present in her saliva after police pulled over her vehicle on March 27 in Miles.

Dangerfield was subject to a RBT at 2.51pm on Pine St where authorities discovered THC in her system.

She received a $350 fine, a one month loss of license and no conviction was recorded.

• Meanwhile Jessika May Fenech pleaded guilty to driving while over the alcohol limit after being detected double the legal limit on May 4 in Condamine.

Police said they subjected Fenech to an RBT where she blew a reading of 0.100.

Fenech told the court she had “a few too many after work” but thought she was still able to drive.

Magistrate Kyna Morice issued her a $650 fine, a three month loss of license and no conviction.

• Ms Morice also dealt with the matter of Jackson Robert Sarri who was absent from court but sent instructions as to how he would like the matter dealt with.

Sarri was charged with speeding and not paying the fine after one of his company vehicles was detected by a speed camera travelling 77km/h in a 60km/h zone.

In the instruction provided to the court Sarri said he had not been the one driving the vehicle at the time of the incident but due to a lack of a vehicle log book, and none of his workers coming forward to front the fine, the onus was on him.

He was ordered to pay a $464 dollar fine plus a $107 summons charge.

No conviction was recorded

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