
Angela Beutel opens Range Station Mundubbera’s newest gardening, coffee spot

A Mundubbera resident has leapt at the chance to return to the family farm and open the town’s newest gardening, coffee and camping hot spot.

Angela Beutel said the community response to ‘Range Station’ had been overwhelming, and thanked everyone who had come forward in support.
Angela Beutel said the community response to ‘Range Station’ had been overwhelming, and thanked everyone who had come forward in support.

When Mundubbera resident Angela Beutel got the chance to “escape the matrix” and make her mark on the family farm, she leapt and opened Range Station; a combination of nature, coffee and camping.

The former manager of Drakes IGA, Mrs Beutel said the idea for Range Station was in the back of her mind for a few years, though she had always expected to purchase and refurbish a Mundubbera townhouse to make her dreams come true.

However, when the family cattle farm at Mundowran was passed down from her father Jeff Ruthenberg to her and her sisters, she realised there was another way.

With coffee, cakes and a huge range of plants Range Station has something for everyone looking to escape into nature.
With coffee, cakes and a huge range of plants Range Station has something for everyone looking to escape into nature.

“I was originally going to renovate a house in town, but then I noticed the old vines among the scrub here and I just thought ‘why buy a house in town when I can do something here’,” she said.

With the help of family, Mrs Beutel officially opened the doors to Range Station on April 14, but due to a family emergency was forced to close them within a matter of days.

On April 27, she once again welcomed the community into her new enterprise, a plant nursery, coffee shop and camping spot all rolled into one.

Mrs Beutel said the response from the community was “overwhelming” with people travelling from the North Burnett and beyond to visit her “tranquil, natural” oasis.

“It’s definitely a place for plant lovers,” she said with a laugh.

There is a touch of whimsy in the Range Station gardens.
There is a touch of whimsy in the Range Station gardens.

“We’ve got some really good coffee as well, and it’s just a really nice place to come and forest bathe.

“I’m not concerned if people don’t buy anything, I just want people to come and enjoy it.”

Despite the challenges which have arisen from returning to the family farm – such as learning how to muster cattle all over again – Mrs Beutel said she was glad she took her chance to “escape the matrix” and get back to nature.

As she and her family look forward to the next six months of the business, there are plans to expand into hosting monthly events, with the hopes of reviving the local gardening club and giving back to local charities.

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