
Sharp decline in volunteers sparks concern for Scouts commissioner

A vital Wide Bay organisation has revealed the reasons behind a decimation in volunteer numbers as the LNP takes a swipe at the government over the issue.

Wide Bay Burnett Scouts commissioner Maurie Wilson, pictured with LNP Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett, said after a 55-year tenure he's worried about the decrease in volunteers.
Wide Bay Burnett Scouts commissioner Maurie Wilson, pictured with LNP Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett, said after a 55-year tenure he's worried about the decrease in volunteers.

A vital community group focused on giving children essential life skills has voiced concerns about decimated volunteer numbers, claiming the cost of living crisis has caused the problem.

Wide Bay Burnett Scouts commissioner Maurie Wilson said he was concerned about decreasing volunteer numbers in his region.

“Our numbers are down, well and truly down, this is caused by the cost of living,” Mr Wilson said.
“When (parents) have time off on the weekend they really want to have time with their family, and really don’t want to be involved with organisations.”

The latest State of Volunteering in Queensland 2024 report shows a 15 per cent decrease in the number of volunteers across the state compared to last year.

LNP Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett claimed the state government was at fault for the decline.

“Here in the Burnett, we rely heavily on the efforts of volunteers, but it’s no secret participation numbers have fallen,” Mr Bennett said.

“The Salvos, rural fire brigades, Scouts QLD, SES and various other vital volunteer organisations are the backbone of our local community and quite frankly, we’d be lost without these volunteers.”

State of Volunteering in Queensland 2024 statistics.
State of Volunteering in Queensland 2024 statistics.

Mr Bennett said issues such as time constraints, health concerns, financial burdens and burnout contributed to declining volunteer numbers.

“These are just some of the issues we hope to be able to help address,“ Mr Bennett said.

“If elected in October we will order a parliamentary inquiry into Breaking Down Barriers to Volunteering.

“Our volunteers are at the core of our communities and are always putting others first.

“It’s high time the state government listened and put them first.
The Labor Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith has been contacted for comment.

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