
Andrew Brian Muller sentenced in Supreme Court over MDMA

When police executed a search warrant at a Bundaberg tradesman’s home they found a stash of MDMA nearly 10 times the scheduled amount.

Tradesman Andrew Brian Muller pleaded guilty in the Bundaberg Supreme Court on Tuesday to possessing a dangerous drug in excess of 2g and to possessing drug utensils.

His appearance was the result of a large haul of drugs found in his kitchen in 2020, the court heard.

Police discovered 19.965g of pure MDMA in 27.865g of substance in both rock and powder form after searching Muller’s home. The amount was close to 10 times over the scheduled amount and the purity was high.

Police also found gel capsules, measuring cups and a straw.

The court was told it was the 26-year-old’s first drug conviction after falling into a peer group involved in drug taking, and that an early release of super had funded Muller’s bumper stock of the “so-called party drug”.

“It is shown that you have withdrawn money from your superannuation to purchase the drug,” Justice Graeme Crow said.

The court heard Muller was not likely to go back to drugs and made admissions at the scene, which was a sign of remorse.

“You fessed up immediately which is to your credit,” Justice Crow said.

Justice Crow mentioned Muller’s excellent work history and character in the community.

Muller was sentenced to two and a half years’ jail for the MDMA and was convicted and not further punished for the drug utensil offence.

He was granted immediate parole.

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