
Pollocksford Road Bridge in Gnawarre closure leaves loved ones miles away

A grandma’s drive to see her family has tripled in length due to the closure of a bridge outside Geelong. And frustrated residents have no idea when it could reopen.

Julie Oataway is frustrated by the closure of the Pollocksford Rd bridge. It means she is cut off from her grandchildren Billy, 9, and Ebony, 12, who live in Bannockburn. Picture: Alan Barber
Julie Oataway is frustrated by the closure of the Pollocksford Rd bridge. It means she is cut off from her grandchildren Billy, 9, and Ebony, 12, who live in Bannockburn. Picture: Alan Barber

The indefinite closure of a bridge west of Geelong has split a community, with a grandma who has had to cut back on time with her family among those affected.

The Pollocksford Road Bridge, between Gnarwarre and Stonehaven, has been shut since April and no date has been set for it reopening yet.

For Julie Oataway, the bridge’s closure means her usual 20-minute drive to babysit her grandkids now takes an hour.

“My daughter lives in Bannockburn and I regularly babysit for her,” Mrs Oatway, who lives just outside Gnarwarre, said.

The Pollocksford Rd bridge in Gnawarre. Picture: Alan Barber
The Pollocksford Rd bridge in Gnawarre. Picture: Alan Barber

“Ever since it has shut, it has made it hard to go, it’s just so much time and petrol.

“I don’t visit my daughter regularly anymore, I used to.”

The single-lane bluestone bridge runs over the Barwon River.

While the bridge sits right on the border of Surf Coast and Golden Plains shires, it falls under the jurisdiction of the Surf Coast Shire.

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Its general manager for place making and environment Chris Pike said that in March a structural assessment was done of the bridge by engineers.

“This found structural issues identified in a previous inspection had deteriorated more quickly than expected, which were impacting the integrity of the bridge deck,” Mr Pike said.

“A speed restriction of 10 km/h and three-tonne load limit was implemented.”

Julie Oataway is frustrated by the closure of the Pollocksford Rd bridge. It means she is cut off from her grandchildren Billy, 9, and Ebony, 12, who live in Bannockburn.. Picture: Alan Barber
Julie Oataway is frustrated by the closure of the Pollocksford Rd bridge. It means she is cut off from her grandchildren Billy, 9, and Ebony, 12, who live in Bannockburn.. Picture: Alan Barber

However, according to Mr Pike, heavy vehicles ignored the restrictions and continued to use the bridge, putting the structure of the bridge at risk.

“The bridge was therefore closed to ensure public safety,” he said.

“Detours along Merrawarp Rd were put in place and communications were shared with locals in the area as well as businesses and bus companies.”

Mr Pike wasn’t able to provide an estimated date when the bridge would reopen.

“Council officers continue to work with structural engineers on next steps and how to repair the bridge deck,” he said.

“Once repair timelines are known they will be communicated to residents in the area.”

Ms Oataway said that she had put in her own inquiries to council, who told her it would be years until the bridge would be functional again.

“I just hope something can be done about it,” Mrs Oataway said.

“I just want to be able to babysit.”

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Originally published as Pollocksford Road Bridge in Gnawarre closure leaves loved ones miles away

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