‘Nonsense’ animal debate Australia simply has to have
Calls are growing louder to ban a ‘nonsense’ animal practice that runs across Australia.
Calls are growing louder to ban a ‘nonsense’ animal practice that runs across Australia.
A Queensland dog trainer has found success in publishing her first book about tapping into dogs’ ‘pawtential’ after a chronic illness forced a U-turn into her life.
Brisbane residents are being urged to stay alert for attacking birds and report incidents to the city council, with swooping season due to peak this month.
Swimmers are being warned to stay away from a Qld beach where a whale carcass is attracting tiger and great white sharks to the shoreline and an MP says he fears “people don’t seem to see the danger”.
A dog, rescued from a fighting ring and trained to be a beloved family member, has tragically died after being attacked in her Queensland backyard by someone else’s pet. *Distressing
The distressed owner of a Sunshine Coast op shop which supports rescue animals has described the moment she was woken at 4am by her crying and distraught shop manager to learn the “devastating” impact of a ferocious fire.
Two young fishermen couldn’t believe their luck when a 5m-long whale shark stalked their boat off a popular beach on the Sunshine Coast. SEE THE VIDEO
Central Queensland locals are seeing more big crocs in the beach and river, including a father and daughter who spotted one leisurely swimming near a popular pool and park. So why are we seeing more? VIDEO.
The spate of snake bites across Queensland continues with victims rushed to hospital following two separate incidents within 90 minutes. It comes after three people were bitten in four hours just days before.
More than 600 dead and paralysed rainbow lorikeets have been reported over the past week as wildlife experts continue to investigate the mysterious cause.
Three Queenslanders aged between their 20s and 30s have been rushed to hospital following separate call outs across the state.
An injured puppy was trapped inside a southeast Queensland dog park overnight, with Good Samaritans rushing to save the pup.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/lifestyle/pets-and-wildlife/page/11