
Our Journalists

Peter MichaelNorth Queensland Correspondent

Peter Michael is a crime writer, correspondent and investigative journalist who has worked in South Africa, the UK, Indonesia, China, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong and Australia. In a 28-year career, he’s covered disaster and conflict zones; terrorism; crime; corruption; people smuggling; crocodile, shark, dingo attacks; cyclones and floods. He interviewed Nelson Mandela on South Africa’s apartheid-era killings; won a United Nations award for exposing an international child sex slavery ring; and was on the frontline of the SARS epidemic in Hong Kong. He reported on Ireland’s heroin barons; Chinese triad kingpins; Bali bombings; Snowtown bodies-in-the barrel murders; Kokoda plane crash; and the Mulrunji aboriginal death-in-custody. He’s a Australia-Indonesia Institute and Asia Pacific Journalist Centre fellow. Peter now lives in Cairns, works in the solo NQ Bureau, and has the best job in journalism (shh, don’t tell anyone)


Travel Incidents
Generic pics of Sydney Airport.  Qantas logo on tail of plane. Pic Jenny Evans

Passengers diverted 1800km

SOME 30 Queensland airline passengers will be forced to spend the night 1800km away from their destination after a mechanical fault led to their flight being diverted.

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