Peter MichaelNorth Queensland Correspondent Peter Michael is a crime writer, correspondent and investigative journalist who has worked in South Africa, the UK, Indonesia, China, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong and Australia. In a 28-year career, he’s covered disaster and conflict zones; terrorism; crime; corruption; people smuggling; crocodile, shark, dingo attacks; cyclones and floods. He interviewed Nelson Mandela on South Africa’s apartheid-era killings; won a United Nations award for exposing an international child sex slavery ring; and was on the frontline of the SARS epidemic in Hong Kong. He reported on Ireland’s heroin barons; Chinese triad kingpins; Bali bombings; Snowtown bodies-in-the barrel murders; Kokoda plane crash; and the Mulrunji aboriginal death-in-custody. He’s a Australia-Indonesia Institute and Asia Pacific Journalist Centre fellow. Peter now lives in Cairns, works in the solo NQ Bureau, and has the best job in journalism (shh, don’t tell anyone)