
North Queensland... where the bloody hell are ya?

Nearly every different federal, state and local government department has a different version of north Queensland on a map of Queensland.

Is Mackay classified as North Queensland or Central Queensland? Picture: Tourism and Events Queensland
Is Mackay classified as North Queensland or Central Queensland? Picture: Tourism and Events Queensland

WHERE is north Queensland?

The Sunday Mail has revealed it is an imaginary border line that floats on the whims of government departments and fiercely tribal sporting rivalries, and is more about a way of life than a state of being.

Nearly every different federal, state and local government department has a different version of north Queensland on a map of Queensland.

Ever since Captain James Cook beached the Endeavour and Burke and Wills set out to explore Terra Nullius, there has been great but unsolved debate about how to locate this mythical Shangri-La of tropical reef, forests, and laid-back locals.

Anka Young, Naomi Noy, Chrissie Stemm, Dale Forman and Adrian Connors. Picture: Tony Martin
Anka Young, Naomi Noy, Chrissie Stemm, Dale Forman and Adrian Connors. Picture: Tony Martin

What do Mackay people think? Is Mackay north or central Queensland?

Adrian Connors, 31, owner of, The Dispensary and NE Food: "I actually identify more with the Greater Whitsunday region. I think that reflects us more because when I have spoken about where we come from, a lot of people very quickly relate to Whitsunday being closer to Mackay."

Dale Forman, 35, business owner, Mackay: "Central Queensland. Mackay is smack bang in the middle of Queensland."

Christine Stemm, 29, waitress, Slade Point: "North Queensland. If I explain to people where it is, I always say it's north Queensland, it's Mackay, it's up there."

Anka Young, 22, events officer, South Mackay: "I identify more with Central Queensland as I work for an organisation with CQ in its title, however it is a bit of a grey area. Around Mackay, 50% of people have CQ in the title of their business and the other half has NQ."

Naomi Noy, 42, media officer for RACQ CQ Rescue, Walkerston: "Technically we're not North Queensland that's more the Townsville area. I used to identify as Central Queensland, it encompasses our area up to the Whitsundays and down to Rocky. I think we get a little lost in the mix because, really, the south east gets everything anyway."

A State Government spokesman said defining north Queensland was not a simple or straightforward issue.

"Different Queensland Government agencies use different boundaries to classify north Queensland," the spokesman said.

"Neither federal nor state statistical or government agencies have a uniform agreed definition. Interpretations vary considerably depending on circumstances.

"Broadly the Government's focus is the area that is from the Tropic of Capricorn north.

"It includes Rockhampton, Mackay, Mount Isa, Townsville, Cairns, Cape York and the Gulf, covering 46 of the 77 Local Governments.

"I note that for some purposes, for example the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, Gladstone is included in north Queensland."

Johnathan Thurston AKA the unofficial Mayor of North Queensland. Picture: Brett Wortman
Johnathan Thurston AKA the unofficial Mayor of North Queensland. Picture: Brett Wortman

Townsville-born-and-bred Cowboys star Michael Morgan, who is filling the no 7 jersey for the injured "King of the North" Johnathan Thurston, said anyone who supported the footy club was "an honorary north Queenslander".

"When I was playing junior club footy, NQ players were picked from Mackay north, so I reckon that'd be my boundary,'' said Morgs.

"You've just got to be able to tolerate the heat. It can get very hot up here. We use a lot of talcum powder."

What do you think? Is Mackay classed as north Queensland or central Queensland? Leave your comment below.

Originally published as North Queensland... where the bloody hell are ya?

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