Fluoride would cost Qld councils less than $5 per person
It costs local councils less than the price of a cup of coffee per resident to fluoridate the water supply for a whole year, new analysis has revealed.
It costs local councils less than the price of a cup of coffee per resident to fluoridate the water supply for a whole year, new analysis has revealed.
The strength of a specialist fly-in police squad – which has been at the centre of youth-crime focused – will be more than tripled through a $32m state government funding injection.
The Federal Government has responded to the shock news that Casino behemoth Star Entertainment Group could collapse within weeks, putting the future of Queen’s Wharf at risk.
The state government has promised to slash $757m in consultant and contractor costs by the end of June – but there’s one problem.
Queensland’s newly minted Treasurer is facing growing criticism for taking a three-week holiday after delaying a mid-year budget update in light of a growing list of inherited cost blowouts.
Blowouts to mega projects and a federal Bruce Highway backflip has put Qld coffers in a $24bn black hole with Treasurer David Janetzki warned he may need to break an election promise.
Hybrid police vehicles are being rolled out across Queensland ti replace the service’s ageing fleet of Camrys.
Former cop turned police minister Dan Purdie has given assurances to frontline officers after an equipment glitch left them exposed.
Experts have warned shark culling or the increased use of nets won’t make Queensland waters safer, following the latest fatal attack. INTERACTIVE: 2024 shark net catch
Cabinet papers from 1994 revealed the crime measure Wayne Goss was not willing to take, in a year when the publication of a gruesome photo turned the tide against his government.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/journalists/madura-mccormack/page/3