Brisbane’s China-built electric bus fleet a ‘disgrace’
Brisbane Council’s decision to source the city’s first electric buses from China rather than using local manufacturers has been labelled a “disgrace”.
Brisbane Council’s decision to source the city’s first electric buses from China rather than using local manufacturers has been labelled a “disgrace”.
A jury has been dismissed after a man charged over a fatal boat accident in the Brisbane River sought psychiatric help.
Brisbane’s top burger joints are battling to be named the best in Australia, and an augmented reality game is giving customers a free taste.
Heightened workloads and household responsibilities during the pandemic are driving deep dissatisfaction among many women in the workforce, according to a new report.
A quarter of Queenslanders have a higher chance of landing their dream job thanks to their volunteering experience, a career development expert says.
Desperate citrus growers are pleading for help from Queensland consumers with labour shortages, export delays and bad weather putting 37,000 tonnes of fruit in danger of going to waste.
A former executive with the RACQ says he was fired because his bosses thought he was about to blow the whistle on misconduct after raising concerns of mismanagement and “dysfunctional” processes within the insurance giant.
Brisbane is to get two new “green” bridges to add to those planned for Kangaroo Point and Breakfast Creek, with thousands of residents voting on their locations. See what they’ll look like and where they’ll be.
Just hours before he allegedly tried to murder his wife and mother-in-law by setting fire to a house, police had arrested this Brisbane pharmacist. This is what is alleged to have happened.
A Queensland pharmacist charged with attempted murder after allegedly torching his partner’s home will not apply for bail, with his lawyer lamenting a “totally unfortunate set of circumstances”.
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