Car wash gets green light on controversial site
A Sunshine Coast councillor has slammed the former state government, claiming there was “no transparency” regarding the sale of public land earmarked for much-needed emergency services.
A Sunshine Coast councillor has slammed the former state government, claiming there was “no transparency” regarding the sale of public land earmarked for much-needed emergency services.
A controversial proposal to delay a total dog ban at Point Cartwright has been heavily criticised by two councillors as the debate remains a sensitive issue nearly one year on.
A tense court battle between the Noosa Council and a longstanding, controversial quarry has finally drawn to a close, with a judge handing down his findings.
The Sunshine Coast Council is set to vote on a major change to the controversial Point Cartwright dog ban, which could see dog lovers enjoy more time on the beach.
Multiple fire and rescue crews have descended on a Sunshine Coast mountain range to help a climber stuck on an eastern summit.
A mum-of-three who fought for 18 months for a cancer diagnosis after feeling ‘something wasn’t right’ has revealed a heartbreaking update as she urges other women to advocate for their health.
Sunshine Coast residents are set to have their final say on a large-scale hotel development as the council points out the development would be short 167 car parks.
A series of luxury units could soon replace one of the last remaining beach shacks in an exclusive coastal enclave. See the plans.
A much-loved cafe has announced its shock closure with the owners revealing a ‘difficult situation’ has forced them into a liquidation with unfinished Christmas orders.
A major Queensland public hospital has come under fire over a leaked email that reminds staff it is not their job to fill the wait lists of private surgeons.
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