Ousted RBA boss’ rent freeze warning
The nation’s top central banker has rejected a Greens’ proposal to cap rent increases ahead of a crucial national cabinet meeting next week.
The nation’s top central banker has rejected a Greens’ proposal to cap rent increases ahead of a crucial national cabinet meeting next week.
Two of Australia’s biggest lenders have revealed their new fixed-rate home loans. Here’s how much you’ll have to pay.
Outgoing RBA governor Philip Lowe has warned another rate rise can’t be ruled out this year because it is “too early to declare victory” on inflation.
A leading business group has been criticised for justifying a higher migration intake as Australia faces its worst housing crisis in decades.
The Reserve Bank has kept interest rates on hold but flagged the economy is recovering at above expected levels.
One of the country’s largest banks has slashed lending rates on business loan schemes implemented at the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
Australia’s property market is officially booming, with prices now rising at the fastest rate in 17 years. But it could cause some big problems.
The country’s largest bank has dealt another blow to savers by again slashing rates on deposit accounts.
Australia’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is well under way, but there are two factors that could bring the economy unstuck.
The country’s largest bank has revealed the pandemic has dented its financial performance in the past six months.
The Commonwealth Bank has dealt savers another blow by cutting rates on deposit accounts at twice the level prescribed by the RBA.
Latest figures from the Reserve Bank show an alarming rise in the level of credit card debt held by Australians over the Christmas period.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/business/economy/interest-rates/page/189