

This was published 7 years ago

London attacks day 2: Real concerns for two Australians


  • Seven innocent people are dead and 48 have been hospitalised in a terrorist attack in London. Three attackers have been shot dead by police
  • A van hit a number of pedestrians on London Bridge in the city centre just after 10pm on Saturday night local time. The attackers fled on foot to Borough Market where they began stabbing people
  • Four Australians are "directly affected", including Candice Hedge who was stabbed in the neck
  • Counter terrorism police have made 12 arrests in relation to the incident.
  • London police carried out two more raids on Monday morning and have made more arrests.

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Thanks for reading our live updates on what's been happening in London.

Stick with us in the coming days for news and analysis on the British election campaign, as the investigation into the London Bridge attack continues.

As campaigning resumes, Nick Miller writes Theresa May is facing accusations police cuts may have had an impact on the attack, while police examine associates of the three men involved.

Floral tributes line the pavement outside Monument underground station on Monday, June 5.

Floral tributes line the pavement outside Monument underground station on Monday, June 5.Credit: AP

Vigil to be held

A vigil will be held near London Bridge on Monday night for the victims of the attack.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced the memorial, which will be held at 6pm local time - 3am AEST.

"We will be remembering the victims, their families, saying thank you to the police and emergency services and demonstrating that London won't be cowed by terrorism," Mr Khan said.

"Nor will we allow these terrorists to fuel division and divide our communities."​

'We must do much more'

Theresa May says the London Bridge attack was not just on London - but "was also an attack on the free world".

Speaking to the BBC after a meeting of the government's emergency committee, Ms May defended cuts to police numbers, saying the Metropolitan Police is "well-resourced" and has "very powerful counter-terrorism capabilities".

"We have protected counter terrorism policing budgets, we have also provided funding for an increase in the number of armed police officers," she said.

"But it's also about the powers that we give to the police. We have given increased powers to the police to be able to deal with terrorists - powers which Jeremy Corbyn has boasted he has always opposed."

Speaking later, at an election campaign event, Ms May said Islamist extremism is a "perversion of Islam".

"We must do more, much more, to take on and defeat the evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division and promotes sectarianism," she said.

with Reuters

Theresa May speaks about Islamist extremism as the election campaign resumes.

Theresa May speaks about Islamist extremism as the election campaign resumes.Credit: Getty Images


Threat level remains at severe: PM

Prime Minister Theresa May says Britain's national threat level will remain at "severe" - the second-highest level - following the London Bridge attack.

A severe threat means an attack is highly likely, while a "critical" threat, the highest level, means an attack is "imminent".

The threat level was temporarily raised to critical following the bombing at Manchester Arena last month where 22 people were killed, including children.

Ms May said police have put additional security measures in place following the attack.

Heavily-armed officers were seen patrolling in central London on Monday morning.

Ms May added the victims of the attack were from "a number of nationalities".

As Londoners walked to work this morning, there were a few poignant reminders of the seven killed and 48 injured on London Bridge and at the Borough Markets.

Several bunches of flowers were left on a median strip, while signs expressing love and support were taped to walls and utility boxes.

Meanwhile, election campaigning was due to resume on Monday, after Prime Minister Theresa May temporarily suspended the campaign following the attack.

There are just a handful of days left before Thursday's poll, where terrorism - and England's reaction to it - is sure to be a key issue.

Family of missing woman raise money to travel to London

The family of 21-year-old Sara Zelenak plan to travel to London after she disappeared during the attack on London Bridge.

Sara became separated from her friends on the bridge as crowds scattered, and since then has not made contact with family or friends.

Her parents have raised $2000 in less than an hour on crowdfunding site GoFundMe for airfares and other travel expenses.

The fundraiser, set up by a family friend, said the funds would help bring Sara home.

"There is a missing persons registration and everything is being done to locate Sara by the authorities," the fundraiser page says.

"The funds raised will be used to get her mum and dad from Australia to London and accommodate them while they continue to search for their beautiful daughter. Every little bit will help in this tragic situation to bring Sara home."

Sara Zelenak, from Brisbane, is missing in London.

Sara Zelenak, from Brisbane, is missing in London.Credit: Facebook


London Bridge attackers identified, but police have not released the names

London's police chief Cressida Dick has said the London Bridge attackers have been identified, but the names have not been officially released, Reuters reports.

She said the three attacks carried out by Islamist militants in Britain in the last three months have been largely domestic plots and the majority of the threat facing the country was not directed from overseas.

"All the recent attacks I think have a primarily domestic centre of gravity," Commissioner Dick told the BBC.

Australia's Ahmadiyya Muslim community condemns London Bridge attacks

The National President of Australia's Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Imam Inam-ul-Haq Kauser, has issued a statement condemning the London attacks.

"All acts of terrorism and extremism are vile criminal acts that are completely unjustifiable," he said. "We express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and pray for a full and speedy recovery of those injured."

"Such acts find no hiding place in Islam for it rejects extremism and terrorism in any form and for any reason."

UK Telegraph columnist: Let's hope May's tough talk translates into tough action

UK Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson has filed her analysis of the London Bridge attack.

She agrees with UK Prime Minister Theresa May's statement that "enough is enough" when it comes to dealing with terror, and adds she hopes the "tough talk translates into tough action".

Pearson takes aim at the former chief constable of Greater Manchester, Sir Peter Fahy, who pointed out that five or six people will be killed a day in road traffic accidents and urged people to have a "proportionate response" to the events at London Bridge.

"Innocent people are butchered on a lovely summer evening by men who hate them just for being who they are," she writes. "What, pray, constitutes a "proportionate response" to that abomination? When is it OK to be angry that evil seeds have been allowed to germinate in closed communities which now present a lethal threat to our society?"

Read the full opinion piece


London Police Commissioner praises injured off-duty officer

London Metropolitan Police commissioner Cressida Dick has hailed the bravery of an unarmed off-duty police officer who sustained serious injuries confronting the London Bridge attackers.

She said the officer was having a drink with friends at the Borough Market when he witnessed the men attacking patrons.

"Without hesitation, wearing his normal clothes, he dived in and tried to assist. And he was, I'm afraid, himself seriously injured but utterly heroic," Commissioner Dick told the BBC.

She said members of the public stepped in to try to help the officer, performed first aid on him and stayed with him as he was taken to hospital.

Commissioner Dick said the man remained in a serious condition in hospital.

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