

This was published 7 years ago

UK Election: Jeremy Corbyn links Theresa May's police cuts to terror attack

By Nick Miller

London: Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has fiercely criticised Prime Minister Theresa May, linking her cuts to police numbers when she was home secretary to the London Bridge terror attack.

Mrs May had "ignored" warnings about the effect of the police cuts, he said.

It was a dramatic return to the political fray after a day when the two parties had theoretically suspended national campaigning ahead of Thursday's general election.

Mrs May had used her address outside Downing Street on Sunday morning to announce a new anti-terror policy which she would implement if the Conservatives were re-elected – a move which Labour saw as against the spirit of the political truce.

Jeremy Corbyn.

Jeremy Corbyn.Credit: Bloomberg

At a speech in Carlisle on Sunday evening Mr Corbyn said Mrs May had been warned two years ago by the Police Federation of the effect of her cuts to police numbers, "but she accused them of crying wolf".

In May 2015 the then-home secretary May told the federation they were "scaremongering" over the effect of cuts while crime was falling. The federation chairman had said neighbourhood policing was put under threat by the cuts, leaving officers unable to build links in local areas.

On Sunday an anonymous firearms officer wrote for The Independent that community policing had been a valuable source of intelligence that allowed early intervention and monitoring.

"Theresa May's cuts have removed these officers from the streets," the officer wrote. "The intelligence they brought in through local knowledge and community engagement has dried up and collapsed, and the local bobby known to all has gone, replaced by a reactive police 'service' that is inadequate.

Theresa May, UK prime minister

Theresa May, UK prime ministerCredit: Bloomberg

"We are now seeing the very real consequences of these cuts – in the faces of the victims of this attack we see in our papers.

"The real question posed is can any random, lone wolf attack be stopped? With early intervention and the right attention: yes, possibly. Without information being fed into the police service and intelligence services about a particular subject from their community: of course not."

The white van used in the attack is loaded onto a truck on London Bridge in London, England.

The white van used in the attack is loaded onto a truck on London Bridge in London, England. Credit: Getty Images

Mr Corbyn said police must have full authority to act to protect and save life – an indirect allusion to an interview after the Paris attacks in November 2015 in which he said he was "not happy" with a police "shoot-to-kill" policy.

"Our priority must be public safety," Mr Corbyn said. "You cannot protect the public on the cheap. The police and security services must get the resources they need, not 20,000 police cuts."

Jeremy Corbyn has narrowed the gap between Labour and the leading Conservatives.

Jeremy Corbyn has narrowed the gap between Labour and the leading Conservatives.Credit: Bloomberg

He pledged to recruit another 10,000 police officers including armed police, and 1000 more security services staff.

He said the general election was "now about something even bigger [than the future of the UK], it is about the struggle between terrorism and democracy itself".

People fleeing from the latest terror attack in London.

People fleeing from the latest terror attack in London.Credit: Sky News

He also faulted Mrs May for "suppressing" the release of a report into the funding of extremist groups.

"We do need to have some difficult conversations starting with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that have funded and fuelled extremist ideology," he said.

The Conservative election manifesto had proposed a "national infrastructure police force" to improve the protection of sites such as railways and nuclear plants, and had also promised to push internet companies to better identify and remove terrorist propaganda.

"We do not believe that there should be a safe space for terrorists to be able to communicate online and will work to prevent them from having this capability," it said.

Mrs May expanded on this theme in her speech outside Number 10 on Sunday, saying "enough is enough" and extremist ideology must be denied the "safe space it needs to breed online".

The internet and the big companies that provide internet-based services provided such spaces, she said and there should be new international rules regulating cyberspace to stop the spread of extremism.

She also said the government must "become far more robust" in identifying and stamping out extremism.

"There is, to be frank, far too much tolerance of extremism in our country," she said.

But Wales' Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood said Mrs May should take responsibility if Britain has been too soft on extremists.

Mrs Wood said "Since 2010 she has been in a position to do something about this… if we have been too soft on extremists as she claims, then doesn't she need to take some responsibility for that?"

Mrs May also flagged a review of the country's counter-terrorism strategy "to make sure the police and security services have all the powers they need", she said.


But legal blogger David Allen Green said the UK had averaged a new terrorism statute every two years, and there had been about 100 statutory instruments since 2000 with 'terrorism' in the title alone.

"Without exaggeration it is difficult to imagine what more laws about terrorism there could be," he wrote on Twitter.

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