

This was published 7 years ago

After such horror, there should be no going back

By Allison Pearson

My daughter lives in Borough Market, a few feet from the place where people were enjoying a balmy summer evening when three marauding barbarians came to kill them. My teenage son, when he visits his sister, likes to walk across London Bridge and revel in the illuminated skyline, a mile-long diamond necklace. Only a change of plans meant that neither of my children was caught up in the massacre on Saturday night. We had a frantic couple of hours trying to account for everyone's whereabouts while fielding calls from anxious grandparents and friends.

"Is she safe?"

"Yes, she's safe."

"Did he stay at the flat?"

Two attacks in London killed at least seven people on Saturday night.

Two attacks in London killed at least seven people on Saturday night.Credit: Getty Images

"No, thank god."

Any relief was overridden by dismay. Again? Please, not again.

Manchester's victims not yet in their graves and now this. A feeling like lead in the stomach. But we were the lucky ones. Other people's daughters and sons would never reply to frantic texts and voicemails. A young woman I couldn't get out of my mind was one of those who had their throats cut.

Pictures on the TV showed our favourite family haunts transformed into a place of execution. The steps from the bridge down to the stolidly reassuring Southwark Cathedral occupied by a phalanx of police with automatic weapons ready to shoot; the restaurant nestling beneath, with its jaunty make-shift canopies and holiday atmosphere, in blood-curdling panic.

Armed police on St Thomas Street, London.

Armed police on St Thomas Street, London.Credit: Dominic Lipinski

How predictable and sickening it was, late on Saturday night, to see the first reflex attempt to play down the third heinous terrorist attack on this country in three months. On the BBC, a woefully out-of-her-depth reporter talked blithely about the "incident" as if it were a crash on the M4, not an act of premeditated mass murder. At quarter past midnight, I yelled at the screen when the same reporter moved on to "seeing the good side of human nature on ... occasions like this". Before the dead were even cold, we were being enjoined to spout the approved platitudes.

The hopeless complacency of the Establishment was typified by Sir Peter Fahy, former chief constable of Greater Manchester. Sir Peter pointed out that five or six people will be killed a day in road traffic accidents and urged people to have a "proportionate response" to the events at London Bridge.

Innocent people are butchered on a lovely summer evening by men who hate them just for being who they are. What, pray, constitutes a "proportionate response" to that abomination? When is it OK to be angry that evil seeds have been allowed to germinate in closed communities which now present a lethal threat to our society?

Yesterday, the Prime Minister finally said, "Enough is enough". There is, she admitted "far too much toleration of extremism in our country" and it would take "difficult and embarrassing conversations" to fix it, along with giving police and security services "all the powers that they need". Let's hope tough talk translates into tough action, Theresa.

If mosques that preach hatred of the West need to be closed, then do it. If the three London Bridge murderers turn out to be "known to the security services" we are surely justified in asking why weren't they electronically tagged or kept away from the public by any means at our disposal?

My son, who could so easily have been among the victims on London Bridge, came into my bedroom after the attacks and was incredibly upset. He demanded to know why something wasn't done to clamp down on these murderous bastards. Try explaining to a furious 17-year-old why the civil liberties of Islamic extremists trump the right of Britons like him to not be hacked to death. I sure as hell couldn't.

After such horror, there should be no going back. The dead and the injured should not have suffered in vain. Their pain and their grievous wounds must not be conveniently forgotten in the name of "community cohesion", which is nothing of the sort. A young woman having her throat cut will never be a normal part of British life, or that life will no longer be worth having.

The evil that ran at people with knives on Saturday night has a name. For the sake of all our children, and generations to come, we should not be scared to say it out loud, and destroy it before it destroys us.

Telegraph, London

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