


I put my dog in the hold for a flight. I swore I would never do it again

When my dog, Roxy, was a puppy, I flew her to Hobart with me to visit my parents.

I’ll never forget peering out the window of the plane from my comfortable seat inside and seeing her in her crate, stalled on the runway, looking forlorn.

Prefers the window seat – how will Virgin and the airports handle flying pets?

Prefers the window seat – how will Virgin and the airports handle flying pets?Credit: iStock

There were a couple of larger dogs in crates and they were noisily expressing anger and fear at their imprisonment. That seemed to make her more nervous, and I wondered how on Earth she was going to survive the noise of the engine when we took off.

Except for the return journey, I never did that again.

I’m not sure that any being with consciousness deserves to be in the hold of a plane. We humans have trouble enough calming nerves over the bumps, strange noises and nerve-racking accelerations and decelerations when we’re strapped inside those hurtling cigars. And we understand the concept of flying. Imagine how a dog or cat feels – unless they’re medicated, they’re frightened.

And while I’m sure every care is taken by baggage handlers to get the animals on to the plane more gently than inanimate luggage, there have been a number of incidents over the years when pets have died in transit, most frequently by being left on sweltering tarmacs when the flight has been delayed.

No wonder animal owners have been agitating for some years to be able to take their pets inside the cabin.

Now Virgin Australia has announced that the airline will allow pets in the cabin on some flights within the next 12 months, subject to regulatory approval. The service will be limited to small cats and dogs on some domestic routes only, so you can’t take your rabbit or guinea pig, apparently.

Pets will be limited to assigned rows and they must be small enough to fit into a carrier, which fits below the seat in front. No pets on laps or animals freely running around the aircraft.


Larger and fighting breeds will have to be shipped in the hold. Mind you, the most savage dog I’ve ever met was a teacup chihuahua and I knew an American pit bull that was particularly gentle. Sometimes it’s the owners who should be sent down below, not the dogs.

People with pet allergies are horrified, of course. And so are the few people genuinely frightened by dogs, most often from childhood trauma associated with being bitten. One hopes that Virgin and any other airlines following suit will work out ways to appease their fears.

But dogs have been allowed in the cabin on commercial flights in the US and Europe since the beginning of aviation. Some airlines allow passengers to buy an extra seat for their pets, restricting them to carriers only on take-off and landing. One of my New York friends took her dog to Paris for its birthday, on its own seat.

I wonder what took Australian airlines so long, given we’re a country that’s mad about our pets. Perhaps the critical point was reached after the pandemic, when so many people bought or adopted pets as companions. Virgin surveyed their customers on Facebook and found that 85 per cent of respondents favoured pets flying with their owners in the plane.


I have questions. Will pets in carrier bags go through body scanners with their owners, or be put on the conveyor with other carry-on luggage? Will security guards demand extra protections for examining snappy little white dogs?

And what will flight attendants do to quiet a hysterical and barking dog mid-flight when the owner is doing nothing? After all, many passengers do nothing when their kids run riot all over the plane.

No doubt even well-meaning human passengers might overestimate the ability of their pets to stay calm in a strange environment. Without being able to cuddle and soothe them, it might be a more difficult experience than imagined – at least until dogs, owners and other passengers get used to the idea.

In most states, it’s not easy to get your animal on public transport, except if it’s an assistance dog, even though small pets in bags seem harmless. We’re starting to see laws relaxed regarding dogs at cafes.

I’m all in favour of a society where our animal companions can take their place beside us in normal social circumstances (and that includes changing tenancy laws to allow pets as a human right).

But maybe not everyone agrees. Has Virgin set the cat among the pigeons?

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