


My shocking arrival in the US: Border security was nice to me

They often visited my dreams. The chasing kind, where only daylight rescued me from my unrelenting nemeses, faceless sub-humans in dark paramilitary uniforms chanting repetitive questions that I could never satisfactorily answer.

I didn’t need hypnosis to unriddle who my bogeymen and bogeywomen were, because they always came visiting in the weeks before a trip to the US, a country which, ironically, has provided some of my most heart-quenching life moments, from strolling New York streets until my knees screamed to utterly embracing that Rocky Mountain high.

Have America’s border protection staff become nicer in this post-COVID era?

Have America’s border protection staff become nicer in this post-COVID era?Credit: AP

So how did US Customs and Border Protection officers in particular scare the giddy, pre-holiday buzz from this usually bright-eyed traveller? After all, I’ve crossed over much ‘harder’ borders than the US – yet Iranian, Syrian and Zimbabwean border guards have all snuggled softly into my memory, more or less.

Was it me? I don’t think so. Granted, I’ve never been a huge fan of suited authority, but I have enough street smarts to approach borders and other places with extreme power imbalance without a bad attitude; chips brushed from shoulders, paperwork completed and printed out. Perhaps suspiciously so.

My old passport did have stamps from countries considered to be on (and close to) George W. Bush’s “axis of evil”, but, as required, I’d applied for and been granted an actual US visa (as opposed to an ESTA). I don’t have any criminal record or anything that I’m aware of in my backstory which should trigger an official into talking to me like I’m an enemy of the state.

I would love to hear about your US border experiences. Have they been naughty, nice or neutral?

Was it them then? Unsurprisingly, there’s a suspicious lack of US Customs and Border Protection customer satisfaction data around, but in one old survey I tracked down, about one-quarter of respondents named the US as having the most intimidating border of any country (people polled had visited at least 10 countries).

Yes, intimidating, is one way to describe my past experiences. I’d throw in rude, aggressive and downright bullying, too. Obvious Cold War-era interrogation tactics, designed to pressure the guilty into revealing their guilt or futilely “pleading the fifth”, with little regard for my fragile disposition.

Except for one vexatious search (where they broke my bag lock) and a mini-interrogation “in the room” (relating to countries I’d visited), my border skirmishes have been mild compared to those I’ve witnessed, seemingly more focused towards people that, how shall I say it, are not from an “allied” country.


I heard the difference in the LAX border guards’ tone of the voice when they were talking to me compared with when they spoke to (at) my Mexican flight mates, disembarking a plane from Mexico City. I saw the petrified faces of children whose parents were being hostilely dragged from a train (even though they weren’t resisting) at the Niagara Falls border back in Clintonian times.


With that off my chest, here comes the bombshell: all the angst and those examples date from pre-COVID times. Since Australia’s borders opened in November 2021, I’ve travelled through five US airports, including the dystopian LAX. Each time, US border officers have been, umm, really quite nice, actually.

The ah-ha moment came last year, landing in Houston off a flight from Bogota, Colombia, historically an alarm-bell-pealing route that would have officers liberally lubricating their rubber gloves. I needn’t have puckered this time. The agent executed his duties courteously and efficiently, taking the fingerprints he’s obliged to, asking questions that needed to be asked, in a convivial tone. He even threw a kangaroo-themed dad joke my way as he welcomed me into the US with a Smithsonian-worthy smile.

Seeing the human behind the desk unlocked a dormant empathy in me. He/she/they are just doing their job, after all. A complex one at that: the first line of defence against terrorists, people-traffickers, smugglers and sundry slimeballs. They have to deal with an infinite line of self-entitled, sleep-deprived humans. They are the public face of politics that they don’t necessarily agree with. Imagine being a Mexican-American having to enforce former president Trump’s build-the-wall border policy.

I’ve found no evidence of a PR charm offensive by US Customs and Border Protection. In fact, it’s still easy to find dodgy stories. In 2022, Australian woman Madolline Gourley was reportedly asked by officers if she’d had an abortion while trying to enter the US (in the wake of the Roe v Wade decision being overturned).


The American Civil Liberties Union states that “officers may not select you for questioning based on your religion, race, national origin, gender, ethnicity, or political beliefs” and even directs you how and where to lodge complaints. The reality is, however, that a foreigner flying into the land of the free holds little actual freedom or power, at the mercy of officials who can change the course of a life with the shake of a head.

I’m still not sure if it is me or them who have changed. Maybe neither. Perhaps my recent interactions were just gleeful glitches in the still-dastardly border matrix? I would love to hear about your US border experiences. Have they been naughty, nice or neutral? (Comment below)

Because I want to believe that the change is real so when I dream of the US next time, it’s about humongous plates of unadulterated calories and long, lazy road trips across Middle America, just like the movies have forever promised me.

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