

‘I’m not doing a cleaner’s job’: The unwritten rules of Airbnb etiquette

By Hazel Plush

If your Airbnb host tells you to “make yourself at home”, how far should you go? We can all agree (hopefully) that leaving dog poo in the garden and stealing that lovely Le Creuset kitchenware are no-nos – but the grey areas are trickier. Can you refuse to strip the beds at check-out because you’ve paid a cleaning fee? Who should do the bins? Is it OK to tell the owner you don’t want them to “pop round”?

Learn how to navigate rental etiquette before you book.

Learn how to navigate rental etiquette before you book.Credit: Getty Images

We asked seasoned Airbnb users – both hosts and guests – for their advice, to help you navigate this modern-day etiquette minefield. (Tell us in the comments below, do you agree?)

The app wants me to ‘message the host’ when I’m booking – do I have to?

It’s polite, but don’t feel you have to share much, says Hayley Knight, who travels full-time and “lives in Airbnbs” – she has stayed in more than 100 to date. “I just say hello, I’m looking forward to my stay; anything more is none of their business.”

But a few details can go a long way, says Richard Young, who runs several Airbnb properties and is the founder of “If you’re booking a one-night stay, that might raise some hosts’ suspicions that you’re going to have a party and trash the place – so reassuring them you’re in town to visit the theatre or go sightseeing, that’s good etiquette.”

How much toilet paper and soap should be provided – and should I replenish it?

If a large number of toilet rolls are available, some guests will take the lot.

If a large number of toilet rolls are available, some guests will take the lot.Credit: Getty Images

“I’ve heard of some hosts who only provide one sachet of washing-up liquid, which is ridiculous,” says Ellahi, whose own properties “always have full hand-soap, washing liquid – and no expectation for guests to replenish them”.

As for toilet rolls, she supplies “two to three per bathroom”, no matter the length of stay – because if you give guests access to your full supply, “some people take them all home”, she sighs. Needless to say, nicking toilet rolls is bad etiquette.


Should you replace what you use? “I usually do,” says Knight, “especially if a host has gone out of their way to provide extras – I just think it’s polite.”

Can I arrive early?

“Half an hour early is fine, but anything more than that is frowned upon,” says Shareen Ellahi, whose 21 rental properties include a Liverpool penthouse that featured on the UK version of Married at First Sight. “We do self check-in, and if someone turns up really early they’ll have to pay a fee – though it’s fine if you just want to drop your bags.”

I don’t want to meet the owners in person – is that OK?

This is a divisive one. For some hosts, meeting guests isn’t just friendly, it’s also a chance for them to suss out their clients. “If a guest didn’t want to meet us, it would definitely raise suspicions,” says Young.

Meeting your hosts is also a good opportunity to address any niggles with the property, and speaking up at this stage is “always good etiquette,” says Ellahi. “It means if you’ve got any issues, we can solve them straight away.”

But for Knight, you’re well within your rights not to meet the owner. “I’ve refused many times, for various reasons,” she explains. “You’ve paid to be in that space, so you have every right to your privacy – I don’t feel bad saying no.”

I’m going to sneak a few extra guests in – that’s fine, right?

Unfortunately not. “Not just because it’s bad manners, but it also invalidates our insurance,” says Flick Hindley, who manages three rental properties at North Farm in Norfolk, UK.

“The same goes for dogs. I had a group book one dog, and then at the last minute tell me they’d actually be bringing four – they’d ‘forgotten’ to tell us. We had to turn them down.”

Oops, I’ve damaged something, this is awkward…

“The sooner you tell us, the better,” says Hindley. “To be honest, we expect guests to break things – that’s life.” Offering to pay for the damage is appreciated, though your offer won’t always be accepted. “Smaller breakages are likely costed into running the business, while larger ones are covered by insurance,” she adds. “But still, the gesture says so much about a guest.”

I’ve paid a ‘cleaning fee’ – surely I don’t have to clean up on check-out?

Doing the dishes is expected, but cleaning the whole property shouldn’t be.

Doing the dishes is expected, but cleaning the whole property shouldn’t be.Credit: Getty Images

“I think doing two or three small things, like the bins, is fine,” says Knight, “but I’ve also refused if the list is extreme, such as vacuuming or dusting. There’s a line: the cleaning fee can be expensive, and I’m not going to do the cleaner’s job! I’ve never had an issue when I’ve said no.”

One or two requests are OK, says Young, “but more than a few is over the top. If a guest has paid a cleaning fee, it’s outrageous to expect them to do much.”

Should I strip the bedsheets?


That depends on the owner. For Hindley, it’s a no-no (“It’s harder to check for damage if the sheets are bundled up,” she explains) – whereas others insist on it, says Knight. “Some people think it’s crazy to have to strip the bed, but I think it’s reasonable,” she shrugs. “Using the washing machine is hardly difficult. I also do the towels, and hang them out to dry.”

What are the rules on washing up?

Both hosts and travellers are unanimous on this one: guests are responsible for the washing up, or at least loading the dishwasher. Hindley would prefer you to turn the dishwasher on, while Young says leave it to the cleaners – the best etiquette is to check with your host.

Should I leave unopened food behind?

“Yes, that’s fine,” says Ellahi – but within reason, as nobody wants the dregs of your takeaway. “If the food is unopened, I don’t think anyone would consider it bad etiquette or charge you to remove it. The cleaners sometimes have it, or we’ll leave it for future guests; and I’ve even donated items to the food bank.”

Whose responsibility are the bins?

“If the bins need to be emptied, we’ll ask guests to do it, because if we miss the collection, I’ll have to take the rubbish to the tip myself,” says Young. “I don’t think it’s unacceptable to ask guests to do it – but ultimately, if someone refuses, what can I do? If the cleaners aren’t scheduled to arrive until the following day, it really can smell bad.”

Check-out is a miserly 10am – can I stay longer?

Count yourself lucky: some properties set the check-out at 9am, says Hindley – though her cottages’ deadlines are 10am. “People overstaying is probably the biggest issue we have,” she explains. “It’s far more common than you think: sometimes, guests are still cooking breakfast at check-out time. It throws the cleaning schedule into disarray, so we’re polite but firm.”


If you want a late check-out, just ask in advance, says Hindley: “If we can make it work, we will”. Because no matter how much your hosts have enjoyed having you, it’s always bad etiquette to overstay your welcome.

The Telegraph, London

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