

This was published 1 year ago

Christmas holidays disruptions: How to keep your stress levels low(er) when travelling these holidays

By Shaney Hudson
Prepare for things to not go entirely smoothly before you travel these holidays.

Prepare for things to not go entirely smoothly before you travel these holidays.Credit: iStock

Travelling this silly season? Get ready for the perfect storm. The travel industry is still recovering from the disruption of rolling lockdowns and closed borders, and 2022 has already been a year where extensive delays, flight cancellations and lost luggage have dominated the travel experience.

This Christmas, it doesn't look to get any better: demand for travel is high, staffing levels are low, and morale among workers is thin.

The travel industry has already been on the offensive, advising customers on how to avoid stress this holiday season.

Hitting the road? The NRMA has warned damaged road infrastructure will delay both yours and Santa's sleigh, advising road trippers to map out alternative routes.

Sydney Airport announced they have 2000 fewer workers than they did before COVID-19 hit, so get to the airport early. But if you do, don't get into the Christmas spirits: the AFP has warned they'll put anyone indulging in a little too much at the airport on their naughty list. It's enough to make anyone feel like a Grinch.

But just what is it about Christmas that adds an extra layer of stress to travel? According to psychologist Dr Marny Lishman, Christmas is not only one of the busiest and most overwhelming times of the year, but the cause of unnecessary stress and anxiety.

"Christmas expectations are very high, and the following of traditions to keep family and friends happy is almost impossible. So add this to the mix of the travel stressors and you certainly have a recipe for emotions running rife."

While it is normal to feel pressure at Christmas, Dr Lishman believes there are practical things you can do to safeguard your stress levels when travelling this Christmas; and ensure you're in the right mindset to travel.

"Anticipate the roadblocks", says Lishman. "Know that there is always a chance of flight delays, lost baggage, being stuck on the tarmac, or cancellations of accommodation".


She recommends a series of simple strategies to combat travel stress that start before you even leave your front door.

"Set intentions before you travel. Ask yourself what the intent is for your travel and how you want to feel when you're there. This way you are consciously telling your brain what it needs to create and how you need to behave, even if there is a hiccup or two".

Her second recommendation is to know what your own personal stress relievers are, and have them handy. This can include tuning out with music, listening to favourite podcasts, playing card games, undertaking an exercise routine or using a meditation app.

"What can you do to self soothe, keep yourself distracted and keep your holiday spirit alive?" asks Lishman.

However, if you do encounter disruptions or conflict, Dr Lishman recommends you try not to take it personally, and always treat staff and other travellers with courtesy - it is afterall, the season of goodwill to all men (and women).

"If you run into delays and disruptions, remember this is not about you personally, it's happening everywhere. When you do feel as though you are losing your cool with people - remember empathy goes a long way".

"Try and look at the situation through their lens as well as your own. They are just doing their job and likely feeling the same frustrations as you".

Dr Lishman believes that by being aware and acknowledging that there is potential for things to go wrong, you can avoid being overly impacted by them.

"Given the massive global disruptions the travel industry has gone through in the last three years, we need to embark on our travel journeys in the near future knowing that the industry is still healing", says Dr Lishman.

"Being fully conscious that 'things can go wrong', there are staffing issues, delays etcetera, - will allow you to expect some hiccups, without them disrupting your mood too much".

Five things to do right now to make your holiday stress free

Make a list… and check it twice

Check- and recheck- your bookings to ensure there are no unannounced flight cancellations, delays or changes to departure times for your flight schedules.

Allow extra time to travel to the airport

Make sure you'll arrive at the airport early with plenty of time to not just check in, but make it through airport security and customs.

Carry digital and paper copies of all documents

If you're travelling internationally, check all eligibility requirements, and if you need to show any relevant documents, ensure you have both electronic and printed copies

Buy travel insurance

In a post-Covid era, there's no excuse for not having travel insurance. Read the fine print so it is clear what you are, and are not covered for.

Map out alternative routes

The floods that have devastated the country have also wreaked havoc on road infrastructure. Many roads or traditional routes may be cut, damaged or under repair, so be aware of alternative routes.

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